Canon 28-70 f2.8 L vs. Canon 24-70 f2.8 L

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Hi All

I'm trying to decide between the Canon 28-70 f2.8 L and Canon 24-70 f2.8 L. I'd be looking to buy whichever I decide on second hand. What are the main differences between them in terms of image quality, size etc?

Any comments welcome!

Cheers! (y)
28-70mm, is that not an old relic?

was it not replaced with the 24-70mm?

someone will be along soon to expand
Yeah, I know you can't buy it new but it is still about second hand. Was just wondering what they changed for the new one (apart from the obvious focal length) and if its significantly better.
Have you had a look at FM :

He compares the two and seems to comes to the conclusion there's really not much between them (other than the couple of mm at the short end of the 24-70mm of course).
I can't think of any reason in the days of cut-price equipment retail why anybody would contemplate buying a secondhand professional, and hence invariably well-used, lens that might have been dropped, kicked around etc. Buy the 24-70. I did.
I've got the 28-70L and it performs fine and I see no reason to replace it with the newer version. I've lent it out in the past for someone to make an appraisal and he ended up buying one himself.

Generally they come in at around half the price of a new 24-70L...good value for money IMO.

You make a good point SdKfz181. Interesting...
The key question (as always) is what do you want to do with it? and what do you want it to do for you?

old(pro) kit can be very well cosmetically battered but function very well.

if you are going to take photos of objects not moving much in good light and take photos at say f5.6 then you may well be hard pressed to tell the difference between the lenses...

if you are going to be more demanding then flaws and limitations will start to show..