Canon 300mm F2.8 L IS MKI lens cap MISSING?

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Hello all,

I managed to get the above lens at a good price but it didn't have a lens sock included to protect the glass, I tried searching the would wide web but cant seem to find anything. Has anybody got any ideas to help me out?
I find the lens cap thing a bit of a fiddle to use so mine sits inside the unused flight case most of the time. I just put mine in my backpack with the lens hood reversed which gives a cm or so between the edge of the lens and the front element. I've also got a soft microfibre towel that I fold twice and place against the front element for added protection for longer journeys. If I'm walking about with the lens, then I always keep the lens hood on which gives more than adequate protection.
Hi John,

mine didn't come with a case either but I have got a travel roll case with pick and pluck that I could use from transport to sports events and sounds like a good idea with the clothes.
cheers all,

Pick - that's looks good value for money I will give it a go.