Canon 30D vs 350D

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I currently own a 350D but as I mature with photograpy I have find myself wanting that little bit more.

I find the controls of the 350D are a bit of a fiddle when I need change quickly such as ISO speed. It's not a nightmare and I already use the shortest route the camera is capable of to get there but I understand the 30D would be faster and easier.

Also I am really beginning to want spot metering which is another feature the 30D can offer me.

I understand the 30D's sensor size is only a tiny bit different to the 350's so that's not a reason to change. I know it has another stop of ISO sensitivity (3200 over 1600) but how do noise levels at the same ISO's compare on the two camera's?

What other features other than size, camera body durabilty and shutter life does the 30D have over the 350D to justify the extra cost or have I already outlined them?

God I have droned on......thanks :)
I can't comment on the 350D but what I CAN tell you is that the noise handling on the 30D is really extremely good. I shot a load of gig photos at the end of last year - pretty much the lot were at ISO1000 and there was almost no noise. Hugely impressed.

The "bit at a time" adjustment on the ISO is something I use a lot - and I love the fact that it's so easy to change settings on. There's very few things which you change regularly which can't be done via the buttons - in other words without having to delve through menus.
Build quality, size and handling are all MUCH better on the 30D.
It also has an RGB histogram wotsit, which is very good for colour chimping.

.. I'm saving my pennies for the 40D if it ever appears, having a 20D already after upgrading (very happily) from the 300D
Is this why your dragging me out in the snow next week Sie so you can steal my 30D and have a play with it? :nono:

Thanks everyone so far useful stuff :)

The "bit at a time" adjustment on the ISO is something I use a lot - and I love the fact that it's so easy to change settings on.

Iso "bit at a time" adjustment. That's new to me and something that don't exist on the 350D as far as I am aware. It's 800 or 1600 and no in between. Will have to look that one up.
Is this why your dragging me out in the snow next week Sie so you can steal my 30D and have a play with it? :nono:


lol yeah :) I wondered if you would spot this post...doh!!
Tell you what mate - bring a spare CF card and u can shoot whatever you want on it as test then compare the shots on both when u get back.

(There is a £50 charge obviously)
Tell you what mate - bring a spare CF card and u can shoot whatever you want on it as test then compare the shots on both when u get back.

(There is a £50 charge obviously)

Cool ta...It's more the features (I really want spot metering) and fiunctionailty that are the bonuses. I don't really expect to see enormous difference's in IQ other than better managed ISO noise. I should imagine at ISO100 they have little to no difference at all but I could be wrong.

"Oh look over there at that really distracting thing!" he says as he runs off and hides behind a rock with 30D in hand.
Thanks everyone so far useful stuff :)

Iso "bit at a time" adjustment. That's new to me and something that don't exist on the 350D as far as I am aware. It's 800 or 1600 and no in between. Will have to look that one up.

LOL - not quite the technical terminology I don't think, but I couldn't think what was! It's damned useful though whatever it's called!
Yeah the ISO adjustments are in 1/3 stop increments. Quite useful actually. Especially in the middle regions from 400-1600, so many adjustments instead of just the normal 3.

Has anyone mentioned the screen? Once you see the screen, you'll get the upgrade itch badly, and you will certainly want to scratch it.
Yeah the ISO adjustments are in 1/3 stop increments. Quite useful actually. Especially in the middle regions from 400-1600, so many adjustments instead of just the normal 3.

Has anyone mentioned the screen? Once you see the screen, you'll get the upgrade itch badly, and you will certainly want to scratch it.

What....the screen??? :D :LOL:
I cannot say much about the merits of the 30D except that it is not a great upgrade from the 20. (Not enough to make me flog my 20 anyway:shrug: )

I am getting very irritated when I have to use my 350 as I am used to my 20 and the 20D (like the 30) has very intuitive controls.

Don't get me wrong, the 350d is avery nice little camera but if I could do it over again I would go straight for a 20/30D.
What....the screen??? :D :LOL:

I scratched the top screen on mine within weeks of having the thing. It was at about that point that I decided that those little sticky protector things looked like quite a good idea....
I scratched the top screen on mine within weeks of having the thing. It was at about that point that I decided that those little sticky protector things looked like quite a good idea....

It is bound to happen some time or another...

I was like a mother hen over my 20D and within a month it had a ding on one of the top rear corners...:bang: :bang: :bang:
