Canon 350d - advice needed please

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Bought a 350d last week, to be used for club photography and portrait shots (for now), got it with the standard 18-55mm lens.

Which flashgun should I get, and where from (UK sites only preferably as I can't wait too long for delivery)?
Also, which lens filters/protectors are recommended?

And do I have to pay £400+ for a fisheye for my camera, or is there a cheaper alternative? I really want one but won't be using it all that often.
Also, which ranges of lenses (Sigma, Canon, Tamron, etc) are best for use with the 350d?

Sorry for all the Q's, not had an SLR before and finding it all a bit confusing!

Get the Canon 580EX flash gun.
As for the fish eye lens WHY do you want one.
I really like fisheye shots, but as I said not all the time.
If you are not doing pro shots then I would spend all the money on a 580, when the 430 is equally as good for general use :)

Not sure about the fisheye. I have a feeling someone on here had an adaptor that gave a fish eye effect that just screwed onto the front of your lens, but I think these tend to give you vignetting (a black edge to the shots)

For a filter to protect your lens your want something like a UV (or UV(0) ) type filter than doesnt really effect whats coming into the lens, it just protects it. On my 350 kit lens I have a Cokin 1A which seems to work fine :) (and I think it was pretty cheap)
I got my filters from photobitzltd on Ebay. I've tried them and seem fine even though they are cheap.
You can get a filter which acts as a FishEye lens. Here's a simple review, I haven't read all of it, but I've read it quick and it seems to be a good review.

I also recommend getting a UV filter to protect your lens, this can not only protect your lens, but stops your photographs from becoming blue, or having a blue tint.

Good luck!