Canon 350D

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Hi guys and girls, go easy on me as im a real newbie to this.

Im looking to get into photography a bit more but have never used a dslr before. A friend is offering me a Canon 350d with the kit lens and a 55-250 at a very good price, would this be an ideal camera to learn on before spending mega money on a better set up.

Thanks in advance.

The 350D was my first dSLR but FWIW not my first SLR i.e. I used to shoot film for many years.

It is a capable camera though now "older" technology but just to indicate the sort of images I was happy with from it at the time:-





All the EXIF's should be intact and the lenses were the 55-200mm and the 70-300mm zoom.

Oh, this one I think was with the kit lens?

Though not knowing if the price is "that good" I would suggest you look out for a 40D in my opinion that the best of the last generation xxD series ;)
Well the price is £110 and he is throwing in a lowpro bag as well, is that a good deal or should I keep looking.

Those photos look stunning, I would be happy to get results like that.
Do it. Body, 2 lenses and a bag for £110. Sounds like a great way to get started. If you out grow your body in the future chop it in for a super dooper all singing model.
You'd get a decent £80-£100 for the 55-250 lens alone if in good condition/boxed etc.

Good deal I think.
Ok guys will go for it, thanks for the advice.

Next you are going to have to put up with loads of questions from me on how to use it properly :LOL:
At £110 that sounds like a great read the manual, gen up on exposure and all things dSLR and above all enjoy taking photographs of all things that catch your eye:D
Sounds a great price for the body and the 55-250IS lens, esp with a bag aswell. Get yourself the 18-55IS lens and you're away with a good set up that allow you to explore the world of DSLR and go from there ...

Enjoy it :)
My first camera was the 350D which I used for about 5 years until I decided I was ready to move on so I then had a 450D and finally the 1DS MkII FF I have now.

It's an absolutely cracking camera which can give excellent photos and will take you a long time to grow out of.

Just remember the camera doesn't make great pictures - the photographer does with the camera being almost immaterial.

My first camera was the 350D which I used for about 5 years until I decided I was ready to move on so I then had a 450D and finally the 1DS MkII FF I have now.

It's an absolutely cracking camera which can give excellent photos and will take you a long time to grow out of.

Just remember the camera doesn't make great pictures - the photographer does with the camera being almost immaterial.


Yeah that's my worry, I have only ever used a point and shoot so have a lot of learning to do.
Yeah that's my worry, I have only ever used a point and shoot so have a lot of learning to do.

You can still point and shoot a DSLR, it's just that things get interesting once you go beyond that.
A 350D is probably a good learning tool - I restarted on SLRs after being away from my film one for 10 years with a 400D which is very similar. Simple enough to get the hang of, but without too many fancy things to confuse you. It should be very straightforward to get decent images as long as you get the hang of where it is focussing and what it's looking at in setting exposure levels.
The 350 is a very good camera I used it for just over 2 years and was my very first dslr I now have the 400d and 500d and they are really good cameras. The 350d is a good camera to start with I have had several hours worth of fun learning to improve my photography with it.
In truth it's a terrible deal - you're paying to get sucked into a never ending circle of future lens purchases and upgrades :D :)

(But seriously, it sounds like a great price and decent kit to start).
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