Canon 5D - can I change dpi & © 'in-camera'?

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Canon 5D - can I change dpi & © information 'in-camera'?

I am using a Canon 5D full time, and can I just say what a great bunch of people there seems to be on this forum - nice to be part of it. Anyway, I had a thought last night that if the camera could do it, would make my post-production a lot simpler.

What I want to know is:
* Can I alter the image settings to produce a 300dpi image 'in camera', rather than the 72dpi it currently produces?

* Can I set the camera to add Copyright information embedded in each image?

This would certainly save me time, particularly where I have to supply images at speed with a client present on a shoot, as I currently process this as part of a Photoshop Image Process, which takes an hour usually for 200+ images.
I don't know about that, but I'm sure you would be able to set up a plugin/batch process for Photoshop that would do what you want to all pictures with just a few clicks. I'll have a look round and see if I can find anything.
I don't have a 5D, but i'm pretty sure the answer to both questions is "No"

The reason cameras output images at 72dpi is that's the maximum resolution that computer monitors support. Larger dpi settings are for printers.

I can see where you're coming from if you were going straight from the camera to the printer though, but most people preview their images on a monitor at least?
I don't have a 5D, but i'm pretty sure the answer to both questions is "No"

The reason cameras output images at 72dpi is that's the maximum resolution that computer monitors support. Larger dpi settings are for printers.

I can see where you're coming from if you were going straight from the camera to the printer though, but most people preview their images on a monitor at least?

Sure thing, my thinking is that I convert all my images to 300dpi for commercial clients, and I add IPC Copyright info to every image, but if the camera did it for me, it would be one (two!) less post production processes. I would still review them on a monitor, but yesterday 5 images had to be instantly sent to the press, and I didn't have time to process them as I do when I'm in studio. Hey ho, it was just an idea. Thanks for the thoughts though.
Um. If you shoot RAW you can output at 300dpi. Use Lightroom and add IPC data on import and a watermark on export.
As expalined already by Yon Bible, camera output is fixed. Virtually all raw engines will allow you to +/- DPI as desired.

Wouldn't creating a PS batch process action be a step n the right direction? At least you could continue to make use of the software you currently use.......
if you use camera bit's 'PHOTOMECHANIC' you can set it to add iptc captioning as it ingests the images. it will also save out copies of the jpegs at your desired resolution automaticaly too.

Brilliant program that everyone ignores everytime I mention it.
I'm still amazed that people dealing with print worry about the DPI value in a file rather than the pixel resolution.