Canon 5D Mk II - Video Words of Wisdom

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Seeing CT's 7D Hints & Tips made me realise that I'd love to get some words of wisdom from anyone who has spent any time using the 5D II's HD video.

I love the quality of the files, and having seen some incredible movies online I was hoping someone might be able to share some experiences as I'm really struggling - focusing, DOF,'s all terrible.

Anyone with any useful input?

I have a 5D mk II, and have no interest at all in using it to shoot video.. but I've been having a look at that site, and it's fascinating to see how the semi-pro/pro video community is getting worked up over the 5D2.

It also explains why Canon have used the 2.0.4 firmware update to extend the video capabilities of the camera. Ultimately they might be losing out to Nikon in the DSLR photography market, but the 5D2 seems to have earned itself a reputation as the DSLR to produce professional-quality video. As word spreads, you can bet that Canon will be exploiting this new market to the max with future models.

Breaker, not sure what stage you're at with using the 5D but Vincent LaForet held a web based workshop at the weekend all about filming with DSLR's - equipment, creativity, roles, etc etc. It was very intense, (but very good) and ran for 8 hours on Fri, Sat and Sunday.

The broadcast was free when broadcast, but to watch it again you have to buy it..... if you're serious about video, could be worth a look.

head over to

and they're also running lots more photography workshops. Chase Jarvis who came up with the business model/ idea is a bit of a genius.