Canon 5d or 50d?

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Hi all,
Looking to upgrade my body in the next few weeks. Would really appreciate what your thoughts as to the better camera to go for? The Canon 5D or 50D?

Thanks in advance
What do you want to do with it?

I'd have thought you're more of a 5D photographer from your website - but you may need to realign your lens selections if you're coming from a crop sensor format.
Completely different cameras.

50d - quicker, faster autofocus, bigger screen, on board flash, newer camera, 6.3 fps, best suited to sports, wildlife, etc (but obviously can be used for anything)
5d - full frame, better picture, older camera, much different shutter button (soft touch rather than a two-step), 3 fps, more suited for portraits and landscapes (but, again, can be used for anything)
maybe helpful to understand why you want to upgrade - what is your current camera not doing?
Most of my work is portrait and landscape so I guess that makes the SD a better option.
My current lens are as follows, if that put more direction into the choice?:
Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8 L IS USM Lens.
Canon EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS USM Lens.
Canon EF 85mm f1.8 Lens.
Thanks mate. Typical though that it's the more expensive body out of the two!!

There is an immaculate 5D with 12 months warranty at Jacobs in Birmingham for £799. I know they will drop this to £750 as that's what was offered to me but may go further. Best be quick though.

I would love to get a Full frame and a Crop camera together and take the same shot with the same settings and have a good look at the results. That would clear alot up I reckon.
I would love to get a Full frame and a Crop camera together and take the same shot with the same settings and have a good look at the results. That would clear alot up I reckon.
Like this, you mean?

Hi all,
Looking to upgrade my body in the next few weeks. Would really appreciate what your thoughts as to the better camera to go for? The Canon 5D or 50D?

Thanks in advance

Slightly off topic, but I really like your website :)
I reckon that the 50D is a great 'interim' camera. If you dont want to shoot overly high ISO then this could be a good buy. Loads of features, superb PQ.
Below ISO 800 i don't think you'd really see much difference in the noise, but beyond that the 5D gives it legs.

Composition wise, the diagram above shows the difference full frame brings to the party.

I've had a 5D for a while and on the whole I'm pretty impressed with it, especially when it comes to low light shooting with no flash.