Canon 600d vs 60d

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Hello folks, I currently have a Nikon d40 which I've outgrown and I'm after a new toy.

My dads got a canon 60d which I like very much the controls were easy to use, flip screen is excellent and it now converted me to canon. But I've not used a 600d which is similar...

Any thoughts?

Is the 60d really worth that little bit extra there nothing that jumps out at me which says yes. But maybe I've missed something?
A good friend recently upgraded from a 450D to the 60D, the main reason he wanted an upgrade was extra fps over the 450D - hence why he got the 60D over the 600D

Hope you get your new toy ...
60D is much better build quality and just feels better in daily use,
Pentaprism instead of the 600Ds Pentamirror so you get a much brighter viewfinder image,
Faster fps (5.3), faster max shutter 1/8000,
Massive battery life over twice the shots you will get with the 600D in fact the battery life on the 60D is better than most DSLRs at well over a thousand shots per charge (I thought it was a bit of a marketing claim but it really does last ages),
If you are using fast lenses f2.8 or better then the 9 cross type focussing points (as opposed to the 600Ds single centre cross type) makes focus and locking on in all light conditions really fast and accurate.

I changed from 50d to 60d and I am delighted with it. Stick on some L glass or the brilliant 17-55 f2.8 and it produces images indistinguishable from the 7D.
60D is a great camera, but the question is, is it worth spending the extra?
What do you shoot? If its sports or action etc then the 60D is worth the money. However, if its landscapes, get the 600D and spend some cash on lenses etc.
I used my dads 60d at the Renault world series and fell in love with it nice to hold all day, and the battery life is amazing I also took his spare camera which was a 500d( tx3i I believe?

I used the 500d for static stuff with using kit lens and I just put it back in the bag Not that I didn't get on with it, just wasn't as nice...

Finally get home the 500d and 60d were not even close I though even tho I was taking action shot with the 60 they were more clear than the 500

However my friend on here (Mank) suggested getting a second 7d?

I like all types I photography and I'm no pro but Motorsport is what I do the most. Now I'm confused
I would suggest then that you go to the motorsport forum and pop a post in there as well. I am quite sure that the general consensus will be to get a 7d which seems a little obvious really. It is definitely faster. However its like saying I want to buy a BMW should I get the 3 series or the 5 series, which is better? Duh! :thinking: the answer if money was no object and you weren't taking into account any other factors, would be obvious. However things aint that simple. Yes you could probably get a used 7d for the price of a new 60D but you could also get a used 60D for the price of a new 600D. Do you see what I'm getting at?
All I can suggest is that you disregard the 600D if you are doing predominantly Motorsport. Now before the 600D owners jump down my throat :eek: I am not suggesting that the 600D is not capable of shooting MSport (I have a 500D backup body which is more than capable of shooting Msport) but any SLR camera is up to the job. I am just saying that given a choice the 60D or 7D are better.

What would I do? I'd get a good 2nd hand 60D and plough my money into fast glass.
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What would I do? I'd get a good 2nd hand 60D and plough my money into fast glass.

I totally agree with that, unless you have money to burn, then I'd get a used 7D and fast glass :D
As far as I'm aware the 600/60/7D all share the same basic electronics - including sensor. The difference is camera size/body and some processing niceties as well as better focusing sensors for the 60 over 600, the 7D has better focus system again and mag alloy body. This might help you understand more clearly.

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Thanks for the replies peeps, I wish I had money to burn, we all do

I might look into a 7d, I never thought of it as an option to be honest.
I'm moving from a Nikon d40 which obviously when I first got it was awesome but playing around with better makes me feel I've moved on from beginner/budget class.

I'm after something that will last me for a while aswell rather than buying better lenses for a basic camera, I might nip to a shop that has a 7d and have look
Yeah, do so, get your hands on the camera and have a play with it, its what they are there for.
Then, if you like it, check the forums and MPB and get yourself a used one.
As I say, the other option is a 60D and some good glass