Canon 70-200 2.8 IS MK2 & 2X Extender MK3 or 100-400L

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Hi there, Have done a little search on this but can't seem to find anything.
Basically I already have a Canon 100-400L. I will be upgrading my body from a 7D to a 5D MK3 very shortly & am wanting also the 70-200 f2.8 IS MK2 to go with it. Question is, Would it be worth my while getting the 2X extender & using it with the 70-200 then selling the 100-400?? Or, would it be advisable to keep both? Does the 2X work with the 100-400? If so, are they any good mated up or would I be just wasting my time?

Many thanks & Kind regards, Kevin
From what I've seen/read you might just about get away with a 1.4x extender on the 100-400 (and I think still have AF on the 5D III) but the image quality won't be too great, with a 2x extender you'll have an equivalent manual focus 200-800mm f9-11 lens which will give you nice soft images and you'll probably have a hard time focussing it.

As for the 70-200 + 2x vs 100-400 (no extender) it will probably depend if you've got a sharp example of the 100-400. If you have then the image quality and focus speed will probably be relatively similar as the 70-200 takes extenders pretty well, but I doubt you'd see a noticeable improvement. If you're planning on buying the 70-200 anyway you could always pick up a 2nd hand 2x extender and resell the extender without losing too much money if you decide to keep your 100-400mm? Or buy new and send back under DSR maybe.
My 100-400 is super sharp & it is my favourite lens. I have just sold my 70-200 f4L so looking to replace with the 2.8MK2. I just wondered if I add the 2X extender (MK3) then would this be as good as the 100-400 as far as IQ, Contrast & focus speed goes?

Kind regards, Kevin
Not sure if I'm allowed to link to other forums here but this is from another owner of both combinations: "I have the 70-200 f/2.8L II and the 2x III and AF speed takes a big hit with that TC. Sharpness is supposed to be fairly similar with the 100-400 with good copies."
I have a 5D3 and a 70D and have used the 70-200 f2.8L IS II and MkIII 2x converter on both of them. If I'm carrying both bodies I often have the 70-200 and 2x on one of them and a Sigma 150-500 OS on the other. I took this with my 70D using the 70-200 and 2x at a wildlife park in summer. It was taken at f8, 1/400sec, ISO100 at 400mm and is a jpeg SOOC and has no other PP apart from a crop. With the 2x converter on I didn't notice much in the way of AF speed reduction on the day TBH but it was a nice bright day and I'll leave you to decide if it's sharp compared to your 100-400, it's certainly on a par with the 100-400 I used to have and used on a 7D and 5D2.

Yorkshire Bird
by modchild, on Flickr
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One thing to consider is the weight of the lens/camera combination. The 70-200 2.8 IS is not a light lens, and neither is your camera. Your extender will be in the middle.
You could also look at it that the 2x extender gives you two lenses in your bag, for the space of 1 and a little bit (and neither of these lenses are small).

The 70-200 is a very nice sharp lens. Would you really ever be happy putting a piece of glass on it that makes it less sharp?
General rule is the f/2.8 20-200 mk II is a superb lens, used with the latest 2x extender it produces the same if not better results than 100-400 but also has the flexibility of a shorter wider lens. It can be a lump to carry around though :confused:
OP, if you're anywhere near Branston, near Lincoln at any time you'd be welcome to call in and try the 70-200 II and 2x on your own camera and if you bring your 100-400 you could test them side by side.