Canon 7D MKII with Tamron G2 or Sigma Contemporary with the relevant teleconverter

I tried my 7D MKII with the Sigma 150-600mm Sport (so contemporary should work) and Sigma 1.4x ... it autofocused ok but from what I remember you can only use centre point.

This was taken handheld (should have used a tripod really) at 840mm f/9 1/640th ... just to check if the setup worked and tbh I wouldn't recommend it.

Snow Moon by Mike Pursey, on Flickr
I tried my 7D MKII with the Sigma 150-600mm Sport (so contemporary should work) and Sigma 1.4x ... it autofocused ok but from what I remember you can only use centre point.

This was taken handheld (should have used a tripod really) at 840mm f/9 1/640th ... just to check if the setup worked and tbh I wouldn't recommend it.

Snow Moon by Mike Pursey, on Flickr
Thanks, some people you don't need a longer lens just get closer - your photo shows this is not always possible!