Canon best telephoto sports lens

You've been a member for 5 years and you don't know the rules?

As for how you can reply, that's fairly simple - you can't.
You've been a member for 5 years and you don't know the rules?

As for how you can reply, that's fairly simple - you can't.

Not certain - but was your post directed at me?

If so then fair enough!

I joined this forum quite a while ago and then stopped posting when I saw how some beginners were being treated! A whole bunch of pedants attacked the newbies lack of knowledge and frankly I was disgusted. I wrote a little comment on this and didn't even look at this forum for several years. So yes I have been a member for a while - but I have only been posting for a short while (after my previous disappointments).

When I returned to this forum I was quite pleased with the helpful comments/opinions being offered, so I decided to try and contribute again. Until I missed the budget option on this thread I had simply never encountered such venom on any forum that I am a member of (even the Canon Rumors squabble forum!).

Well DL your completely pointless and unnecessary post has confirmed my original thoughts - there are too many pedants here and you deserve an award! A moderator has posted a correction, which I have replied to, so what has this to do with you? If I have committed a "Faux Pas" then it is for the moderator to comment on - not you. I will take their advice - not yours!

People like you are spoiling this, and other forums. I would (politely) ask you to think before you post. I am here to help and learn - what are you here for?

P.S. Note to Mods - I have never encountered a guy/girl like this - how should I respond?
Given the poster's potential interest, how should I reply without taking the thread off subject? Advice would be appreciated.
Selling out-with the classifieds is against the rules.
They are in place for the protection of both buyer and seller.
If we allowed anyone to buy and sell at any point, anywhere threads would quickly turn into a shambles.

Once a member has become established, 30 days and 25 meaningful posts, then sellers and buyers alike should have a feel for whether the person is honest of not.
This is to discourage "Hit and run" buyers and sellers.
Obviously its not fool proof, but it tends to offer a little reassurance.
@johnf3f - just to expand on a couple of your other comments...

P.S. Note to Mods - I have never encountered a guy/girl like this - how should I respond?

You should politely decline the persons offer to trade via PM, as they do not as yet have access to the classifieds forums.

If however you're asking how to respond to Mark ( @DemiLion ) - then you certainly shouldn't go off on a rant about him being pedantic. I think you're mistaking pedantry with someone telling you something that you didn't want to hear - something that we as staff are perfectly fine with - albeit, Mark was his customary somewhat blunt self in his phrasing... You see, this forum has well over 85000 people registered as members at one time or another. At any one time, there's likely to be a good 200+ online, and maybe, just maybe 2 staff. As such we rely on the membership to partly "self-police" the rules - giving pointers, and if needed calling in the staff to make the official position clear.

And, the official position is this...

WE DO NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO TRADE IN OPEN FORUMS OTHER THAN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION. If we get wind of it, we will apply the necessary sanctions - which may range from the mildest (as in this thread) of a message saying "stop it and read the rules", through to loss of PM privileges for repeat offenders, loss of access to the classifieds if applicable, and right the way through to suspension of accounts.

Why do we do this? Is it because we LOVE rules and making ourselves a load of work? Nope, it's as my Pink Colleague mentioned above -it's to provide a degree of protection.

You see, We get all the horror stories - even with the rules and the classifieds section, things go wrong. At the end of the day TP's involvement is no more than providing a "notice board" for people to sell things on. We can't enforce anything, can't recover money, can't really DO anything other than stop offenders from repeating their actions and screwing someone else. To try and make it as safe as we CAN, we moderate the classifieds section MUCH more heavily than the open forums. That's why we want to keep everything in there - so we've only one place to keep "locked down" and the rest of the forum can be a much more friendly place to hang out in.

So - i'll keep it simple. Play nice, go read ALL the rules, and try and abide by them - the new member (@Danny Payne ) could perhaps be excused for not necessarily having read the rules - I know I didn't read anything when I joined here (in fact I'd been a member over a year before someone pointed out that we HAD a classifieds section...) - but, as pointed out by Mark, you HAVE been a member on here since august 2012 - hiatus or no hiatus - that's plenty of time to have become acquainted with the basic rules of the community.

as to this comment:

I joined this forum quite a while ago and then stopped posting when I saw how some beginners were being treated! A whole bunch of pedants attacked the newbies lack of knowledge and frankly I was disgusted. I wrote a little comment on this and didn't even look at this forum for several years.

We don't like that happening either - if you see it happen again, please hit the Report Button and let a staff member take care of it. It makes a refreshing change from dealing with people trying to trade in camera gear, believe me.

And Finally:

I am here to help and learn - what are you here for?

I'm glad you're here to help and to learn. I'm pretty sure that Mark's here for the same thing - albeit he's a long long way further along the learning curve than many of the members, so his quota is probably more stacked towards the helping side than the learning these days... And, before you comment, what he said WAS helpful, and correct - and basically what I'd have posted myself had I been in front of a computer - though I'd have probably phrased it slightly less tersely.

Now, all we need is an apology from @Danny Payne for attempting to buy outwith the classifieds, and an assurance that he'll also go away and read the forum rules before making any forum gaffes, and we're golden. :)
with your budget i would be looking for a good example of a canon 70 - 200 f2.8 L non IS or if i could get lucky the MK1 IS version and consider a 1.4x converter ( giving 280mm F4 ) in the future if you want that extra little bit of reach

for slightly more than your budget is the sigma 120 - 300mm f2.8 which i have no experience of but it seems it's a popular lens
the canon 300mm f4 L IS seems to be more or less within your budget but i think it would be a little too restrictive as a one lens option, iv'e tried one myself at a local sunday morning rugby match and did get some good results but anything up close and you'l miss it
my daughter was using a 70 - 200 F2.8 L IS on a cropped body at the same time and overall i would say that was a better combination than the 300mm on a full frame body
Not wanting to continue this any further however I thought I'd offer advice as after reading through the thread, I can't see this having been answered. So in response to the following.......

Given the poster's potential interest, how should I reply without taking the thread off subject? Advice would be appreciated.

Firstly as to taking the thread off-topic (which by now it already has :) )After many years of being on TP, I am yet to see a thread get from start to finish, without wandering off on a tangent somewhere, inevitably it always strays back, however thats why we call it a conversation

As to the following chat please see my subtle edit to your post, which is how I would have taken it (y)

I might be interested in your lens John if you still have it..

Yes I still have it!
I have sent you a PM.

Yes I still have it!
I have opened a new topic in the classifieds and tagged you in it.

You can tag a member by putting the @ symbol before their username.

Anyway back to the original question (see what I did there ;) ) One thing to bear in mind if you are looking at the 120-300 is don't underestimate the weight. I have the sport and seems to get heavier as the day goes on. However it is a cracking lens and very versatile, great if you only have one body
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