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Questiion when is a repair not maintenance of a faulty camera or lens ?

Answer when Canon repair a faulty product

I am bewildered as to what maintenance would otherwise be deemed

Anyone else encountered this with Canon -
A repair is work that is carried out on a broken item to make it usable again.

Maintenance is work carried out on an item to prevent it becoming broken.
Nope it just says maintenance in T&C's

The thing is this all becomes a grey area, because if a camera is working but it could and should be more efficient then maintenance should enhance that condition

However if on inspection of the camera to make it more efficient, a component needs replacing then its deemed a repair,

Confused - I was
Nope it just says maintenance in T&C's

The thing is this all becomes a grey area, because if a camera is working but it could and should be more efficient then maintenance should enhance that condition

However if on inspection of the camera to make it more efficient, a component needs replacing then its deemed a repair,

Confused - I was
So they replaced a faulty component, I’d say that was a repair.
But the camera was working and producing photographs - if the camera refused to work then yes a repair - but a motherboard should not pack in after 15 months anyway most certainly not fit for purpose
The motherboard on my R5 packed it in after 3 months, repaired under warranty .
Nope it just says maintenance in T&C's

The thing is this all becomes a grey area, because if a camera is working but it could and should be more efficient then maintenance should enhance that condition

However if on inspection of the camera to make it more efficient, a component needs replacing then its deemed a repair,

Confused - I was

You mean like a car with worn brakes or clutch - both service items, replaced to improve performance before a repair is needed.
You mean like a car with worn brakes or clutch - both service items, replaced to improve performance before a repair is needed.
in car warranties they are usually consumables - a main component of a camera is the motherboard

I'm sure if your car engine however packed in after not a long time you wouldnt be happy and would expect warranty to cover it, or if just out of warranty for questions to be asked