Canon destruction

I actually feel like crying!
Sheesh! I'd take em, I'm sure I could build a half decent camera from the bits!
Not a Nikon to be seen, well that says something!:D
Yeah, Nikon let all their dodgy stuff out onto the market :p
I can't help but question what it said about the gear being dodgy and unable to be salvaged (or already stripped of usable bits). If this was the case why are there boxes en-mass?

This looks more like a customs operation to destroy counterfeit gear.
I suspect they smashed it all before sticking Nikon labels on and sending it out again into the shops :)
This looks more like a customs operation to destroy counterfeit gear.

I was going to post the same thing, there is no explanation on the site as to what is happen in the warehouse. If the can make a counterfeit Ferarri I'm sure a camera and lenses are quite easy to fake.
Brings a tear to my eye!

When I first saw this topic (and the link) I thought it was one of those retarded sites which get people to donate money so that the site owner can go out, buy a piece of electronic equipment and smash it to bits. There's a few of them for the XBox, PS3, iPod etc..

Thank god it's not, I would have actually cried if it had been!

Oh and why do the people in the photos have hammers? Surly they can't be damaged during trasnport if there's a guy sitting on a stool with a hammer in his hand, no? Leads me to belive what others are saying in this topic...
I'd be inclined to agree with the last post on that site.

In the event of the goods being subject to an insurance claim for damage of theft they would need to be rendered un servicable.
This could all be due to flood damage.

A friend of mine is an industrial cleaner and cleared an HMV store after a flood of over half a million quids worth of cd's dvd's etc. Although any electronic gear was purposfuly smashed to avoid it hitting the black market!

Mind you, he managed to fine a handful of undamaged ipods, psp's and ds's. Whoever clears this lot will want to have a good look through it!!