Canon EOS 30D Exposure Issue - Camera Faulty?

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When I tried using my 30D yesterday I discovered a problem I've not seen before, and am concerned something is not working properly.

(It is also quite possible I'm completely missing something though and there's nothing wrong with the camera at all, just me!)

I normally shoot in AV or TV mode.
My understanding is that when I move the dial to set a shutter speed, say for example 1/60, it automatically sets the correct aperture, and the little indicator line on the exposure scale (from -2 to +2) points to zero in the middle.

When I try this now, the indicator line stays fixed at the marker before -1 (-1.3?). And if I then set a desired shutter speed (say 1/60), the resulting exposure comes out dark. It doesn't seem to move from that spot, no matter what shutter speed or aperture I set.

It does move however in full manual mode. This is currently the only way I'm able to record an accurate exposure.

Any thoughts?
Sorry for the delay in replying.
Thanks for all the replies.

I had initially thought it was the exposure compensation, but it wasn't.
I figured it out in the end - the exposure had been set whilst in manual mode by the rear wheel.
All working fine again now.
Thanks once again!