Canon EOS 5D Mark 4 in CEX £2640

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Just seen this in CEX Birmingham.

I know nothing about it but it looks mint and is up for £2640 if anyone local is interested?
Either someone was seriously desperate for money, or a thief wanted to quickly offload their haul.
I'm starting to see high end cameras in my local CEX in Wrexham. Last week they had a Canon 5D3 body and a Lumix GH4 with 12-35mm F2.8 lens. priced at about £1200 and a definite £1080 respectively. I thought it very odd to see these cameras mixed in with old phones, XBox games and elderly hard drives. I can't imagine there is a huge range of camera knowledge in the establishment and my immediate thought was that these items might have an 'interesting' history, no way would I buy an item that expensive from there.