Canon ''error'' help

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When im using my 70-300 on my 1000d i get an error message on screen and the shutter ''sticks'' i have to turn the camera off and take the lens off for it to go back to normal. It comes up with (image from google)

How do i stop this happening? It happened all last summer then just stopped mainly when i was at the 300 end, but now it seems to be doing it anywhere from 100 upwards
This could be dirty contacts but I am sorry to say this could be more serious than just cleaning the lens/camera contacts.

I recently had exactly the same message from my 24-105. I found that I could use the lens at its widest opening (F4) and at 24mm but as soon as I zoomed beyond 24 or tried to select any other aperture then this message appeared.

The culprit was a ribbon cable inside the lens attached to the aperture control. This cable is designed to flex as the zoom action is used but after a while continual flexing means the cable cracks. It is possible that you have an intermitant fault.

I had my lens repaired and it now works perfectly. I found a very good and reasonable engineer local to me and he did an excellent job. If you are interested I will let you have his details.
ribbon cable also on my EFS 17-85. If it is there is someone who advertisers on the net somewhere, charges about £50 if my memory serves me right.
There is a guy advertising on fleabag. Not sure he advertises for this lens though. My guy charged £105 and did a great job giving the lens a good clean whilst doing the repair. Works better now than ever.
I had a 100-400L lens come up with the same code and it did turn out to be the lens contacts. I sent it away with London Camera Exchange and the whole thing only cost like £40. It did take a while to come back though so make sure you keep ontop of it if you do decide to use LCE.

Another quick fix is using some alcohol, the really brutal chemical type stuff (isopropyl I think?) and cleaning the contacts with a cotton bud. that what I tried with my old nifty fifty and that worked :)
Oh no!
Thanks for the help, i'll try to clean it again and if it still happens i shall have to send it to the 'doctors' or get a new lens depending on how much it will be, I've seen the same one i have online for less than £100
Try an eraser - one on top of a pencil works well - to clean the contacts, if you've not already done so

I experienced the same problem on my Canon 17-85mm IS USM lens last year whilst in the States. Real pain it was.

Tried everything that all the posters here have suggested to no avail. In the end I called a local repair shop who advised that it was a common fault on this particular lens and it was the lens aperture unit that had stopped working.

In the end I had the lens aperture unit replaced at a cost of £120 all in and this included a 6 month warranty.

Initially, I was horrified at the cost of £120 but when comparing it with purchasing a new lens for around £395 or £220 for second hand one, it was a no brainer really.

My advise would be to call a repair shop as it could be the same thing.

Good luck.
Does sound like a ribbon cable fault.
As said, most likely to be the 'power diaphragm assembly' aka aperture unit.
17-85 ones are a doddle to replace if you have a bit of technical know-how and don't mind small, fiddly parts. :LOL: