Canon lens and camera calibration?

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I just wondered if anyone has sent their camera and lenses in to Canon to get them calibrated? I think my macro lens is off as it was very sharp on my 400d until I upgraded to the 5d. I have tried loads of tests and although it is doesn't seem to be back focusing or anything it is not tack sharp. I spoke to Canon and they gave me the number of a representative in Glasgow, apparently it will be covered under warranty, they also said they can calibrate all my lenses. I thought this may be a good idea as all lenses will be covered but I am a little concerned about sending it in the mail. Any thoughts and is it worth it? Thanks :)
Just send it special or take it into a local service agent (jessops?).
I know of a number of sports photographers who have had this done and are amazed of the difference, even when they were happy with the previous results.
Interested in this as sometimes I think my 40D can be a bit off but it's just out of warranty. Anyone know if it's expensive to get done?
My 5D body and 24-70L are in Elstree as we speak. 8-10 days without a camera OH the humanity...:bang::bonk::bang:
Think I'm definitely going to get it done, bit of a worry mailing out all my kit but they said they can turn it around in a week. The cost will depend on what they find and it may be covered under warranty if there is a fault with any of the lenses. Will let you know the results!
I took my 5D and 24-70 L to H Lehmann's yesterday

Apparently the AF was recalibrated.....even though I did get a phone call asking for authorisation to carry out a full service as the sensor was reported as being out of aligment. Something that never happened :eek:

I'm too scared to test the camera now for fear of the poor images being my fault all along !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just had all my lenses and bodies calibrated, and whilst I was very happy with them before, there is a noticable difference in the results, especially on my 600mm when used with the 1.4X converter on my 1DsMkIIIs, I had assumed the slight loss of crispness was down to diffraction when these were used together.
is there any reason why a camera should lose its calibration? I sent my 5d into Colchester camera for the mirror to be replaced as it is a design fault. and they quoted me £192 for a clean and calibration!