Cant see new HD

what operating system are u using?
if your using windows you have to right click my computer, go to mange, select disk management and it should show up in there.
is it does right click and either give it a drive letter and format or set a partition so it takes a drive letter.

hope that helps.
...Can you just right click on them and select a new 'location'?
Not sure why you want to move them. You can add any folder to favourites or Libraries in win 7 explorer so they are easy to find.

If you must move them you can do it by right clicking a 'My' folder for properties and change the location tab setting. Personally I wouldn't as it is bound to screw something up sometime :)
As above, disk management should allow you to see the drive.

Once you have located it, may need to assign it a drive letter and should be able to format it from there.
I have put in a new sATA WD 1TB HD but I can not see it?
Anyone know why? I guess I have to format it but if I cant see it how?

If its a brand new hdd then you will most likely need to create a partition before you can format it.