Cape Tourville

Edit My Images
I slept in my car overnight to catch the sunrise on the red granite cliffs.
Hi Toby. The foreground was lightened very little, the pebbles are white quartz but it could have been left slightly darker as a matter of taste. Editing I guess will always be subjective.
I love the picture, it must be a breathtaking sight and cudos to you for kipping in your car.

I have to agree with what's been said, the foreground does seem a little 'bright' and I'm finding my eyes drawn to the darker parts of the picture in the middleground rather than to the cliffs and sky.

Any chance of seeing a version where the foreground hasn't been 'tweaked' ?

(Hope I don't sound too negative Mark, I'm becomming quite a fan of your work)
Hi Rob, Here's the untweaked original as requested. As the first rays of sun lit the scene the overall light was still quite flat.
I have to correct my previous thread, it appears that I may have actually darkened the foreground -
certainly I have added contrast and saturation. In editing pictures I work intuitively and keep no record of what I have actually done.
I personally don't see a problem with the foreground. It looks well balanced. Great picture.
Hi Rob, Here's the untweaked original as requested. As the first rays of sun lit the scene the overall light was still quite flat.
I have to correct my previous thread, it appears that I may have actually darkened the foreground -
certainly I have added contrast and saturation. In editing pictures I work intuitively and keep no record of what I have actually done.

You're gonna hate me, but having seen the original I now prefer the edited version.

FWIW I'm the same, if I do edit a shot there's a good chance that 20 minutes after the event I won't be able to tell you what I did.
Mark, further to my earlier comment, and having seen the unedited, I feel that perhaps you overcooked the edit by upping contrast and saturation too much - the colours are too 'dense' and the foreground trees too blocky.

I prefer the unedited, but accept that it is a little washed out. I had a fiddle with it in PS in a spare moment this morning. I built the sky a little, and lifted the foreground foliage before raising the overall contrast and vibrance slightly. I won't post it without your permission, but it is a slightly softer edit than your original and I think works Ok.
Sure toby, go ahead and post your edit. I would agree that the trees (particularly the farthest one) is too blocky.
You're gonna hate me, but having seen the original I now prefer the edited version. FWIW I'm the same, if I do edit a shot there's a good chance that 20 minutes after the event I won't be able to tell you what I did.
Thanks Rob, I guess if we were to log every edit we did we would end up with terabytes of data. Toby is right about the foliage being too blocky.
'ere tis..

1. A gentle mod of the original, selective levels, overall vibrancy and contrast.

2. Taking the above and further lifting levels on right hand foliage, increase in contrast and sharpening

3. Taking 2 and running a very mild PHDR to try to bring it closer 'in spirit' to your original edit.

I deliberately didn't sharpen in #1, because the dawn light seems to have a lovely softness, which this retained from the original. The other two seem to lose this, I think.
Toby, overall it looks Fantastic, I'm impressed with your edits! All I can nitpick is what appears to be a dark outline capping the distant mountain, but that could easily be removed. You're using CS4 I think you mentioned in your last post, Evening Skies; I'm green with envy as I'm still with CS3. :D

I especially like the way you've lightened the foliage; looks great, and I like your last version best, thanks mate! (y)
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Thanks Mark - the quality is in the photo you took in the first place!

The dark line on the mountains came when I selected and darkened the sky. I don't think it would have happened if we were working on the full res original.

I can't imagine that CS3/4 are that far apart. I am only using a trail at the moment, but I love it, and will buy in due course. I find that I still use both Corel PSP and The Gimp for certain things, though the workflow enhancements in CS4 are brilliant as you get to know them.

As a matter of interest, which of the edits do you prefer, the added noise in the PHDR version notwithstanding?
I like your last edit best as I mentioned in my last thread, but you may have missed it because I edited the thread a moment before you posted.

Edit: I have been working with Photshops since Photoshop5, through vers.7, Cs, CS2, and CS3., though I admit that lately I have developed a slackness that comes with age!
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