Captive owls

Hi Nick,

Not always easy to get good shots of birds under the conditions you've described so I think you've done quite well.
I like shots 1 and 2 the best, exposure on all shots looks pretty good, I like the use of a vertical frame in number 1 as the bird is much taller than wide.

Things to try in future would be to photograph the birds from their eye level (gives more intimate feeling to shots), when close/ very close to subject either stop down aperture to give more depth of field (so all of bird will be in focus) or focus on the eyes with a wide open aperture (and let everything else fall out of focus). Also check background through viewfinder, if it's distracting move your position until background improves (not always possibly in circumstances you describe), lastly with birds like these owls often the best shots are where they looking straight at you with those big eyes, so try to time pressing the shutter button with when they look straight at you.

These are just a few tips off the top of my head, am sure other people can add more to this list. :)


Thanks Julian, was a difficult place to shoot a tent just off the seafront. They were charging to hold a Owl so was pretty crowded. Beautiful birds though.
pretty sure the first is an eagle owl, (y)
second is a little owl, (or a burrowing owl?)
third, not sure but someone will put you right. (y)
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First is african spotted owl, type of eagle owl
Second is burrowing i think,
And third is white faced scops.
Hi Nick
Good Tips from Julian, you wont go wrong with them

No.2 is a Burrowing Owl in my opinion


I have to say the feet on #2 look rather 'cluttered'
Great series though.