Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

Leaning on a Pillar
You know, the way you do...

Eating an Apple by a Wall
Part of the By a Wall series.

Tourist with Luggage
Now it's just a case of waiting...

Balancing Beefeater
He doesn't eat real beef, of course.

Let's All Snack
Eating a nourishing lunch is all part of a healthy life plan.

Don't Swear at the Meter Attendant
Someone might be nearby with a camera...
I've been going through my old photos from 2007-2009, the ones I filed under 'Not Quite There', and running them through the post-processing software that I didn't own at the time: Lightroom 3, Photoshop Elements 10, Topaz Adjust 4 and 5, and Lo-Fi. Thought I'd share some of the results. All were taken with my Canon 40D except for 'Only Love', taken with my Canon S3is.

Only Love
A man with a message.

One Fine Summer Day
At the 40th Rathayatra Chariot Festival at Trafalgar Square, young people sit and chat in the sun.

Garland Man
Seen at the Bossa Nova Festival at London's South Bank.

Walking in a Dream
Processed in Photoshop Elements and Topaz Adjust to get a painted background look.

Spotted On Manchester Christmas Markets
I've been going through my old photos from 2007-2009, the ones I filed under 'Not Quite There', and running them through the post-processing software that I didn't own at the time: Lightroom 3, Photoshop Elements 10, Topaz Adjust 4 and 5, and Lo-Fi. Thought I'd share some of the results. All were taken with my Canon 40D except for 'Only Love', taken with my Canon S3is.

Only Love
A man with a message.

I have never ever heard as the Budah referred to as ''The Lord'' must be another new religion.
In Covent Garden last Saturday I happened to see the Tweed Run getting ready to set off on a "jaunt around the Empire's Capital". As Wikipedia says, "The Tweed Run is a group bicycle ride through the centre of London, in which the cyclists are expected to dress in traditional British cycling attire, particularly tweed plus four suits".

The people there were not only dressed in the tweed that was typical of the 1940s but spoke as if they'd stepped out of a time machine: "Oh, I say, Jonty, do hurry up, old boy!"

It was a wonderful opportunity for a different kind of street photography and many passers-by went away with a smile on their face. You can see the photographers at the event here and the rest of the set here.

I have just enjoyed looking at these images over a cup of coffee. I just wondered if anyone has ever recieved any abuse from anyone who has not liked being photographed ?