Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

"Street Performer (14)"

At first I must admit I wasn't too sure about this snap because of the movement etc, but I kept on going back to it and now I quite like it.

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at the South Bank London UK of a guy performing one of his antics with a skateboard.

Street Performer (14)-03583 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)
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At first I must admit I wasn't too sure about this snap because of the movement etc, but I kept on going back to it and now I quite like it.

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at the South Bank London UK of a guy performing one of his antics with a skateboard.

Street Performer (14)-03583 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)

Nicely done, George. (y) Perhaps a faster shutter speed to freeze the action, unless you were going for a different look?
Nicely done, George. (y) Perhaps a faster shutter speed to freeze the action, unless you were going for a different look?

Thank you kindly Lee, appreciate your reply.

"It wasn't how I wanted it to turn out Matey, in all honesty I was shooting in aperture priority and totally omitted to keep an eye on the shutter speed which should have and would have been higher if I'd had my brain engaged" :) :)
Very nice candid street style shot Lee.

"This shot's a good candidate for the Faceless (open thread) that I started yesterday" :) :)

Thanks George. Oh nice, I haven't seen your Faceless thread but will go take a look now. :)
"To The Subway"

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at London UK of some people going on their way down to the Subway.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

To The Subway-03584 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)
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First time shooting some street photography at night for almost a year, completely out of practice - but kinda liked how this one turned out. Hoping to knuckle down and focus on the night stuff over the next few months

DSC08487.jpg by Ben Cremin, on Flickr

That came out really well. Nice one ben.
"On The Steps (1)"

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at London UK of a young lady climbing some public steps.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

On The Steps (1)-03585 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)
Two In The Rain

Two In The Rain by Merlin 5, on Flickr

Very nice candid street style capture Lee, works really well for me.

"If you don't mind me saying I think the composition would have been better if you'd not cut the ladies brolly and the top of the guy's head off"
Very nice candid street style capture Lee, works really well for me.

"If you don't mind me saying I think the composition would have been better if you'd not cut the ladies brolly and the top of the guy's head off"

Thanks George. I agree with that. :) I went to look at my original to see if I'd cropped the tops by mistake but I hadn't. I was aiming for just the reflections on the ground but in post thought it might be nice to include the people as well.

edit: actually I noticed that I did get the top of his head and more of the umbrella when turning off the transform tool, so I've reposted an updated edit above.
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"On The Steps (1)"

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at London UK of a young lady climbing some public steps.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

On The Steps (1)-03585 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)
I really like your new way of processing these, George. It appeals to my photographic tastebuds and it also suits the subject matter very well.
I really like your new way of processing these, George. It appeals to my photographic tastebuds and it also suits the subject matter very well.

I agree with this. Very nice and more contrasty, (y)
I really like your new way of processing these, George. It appeals to my photographic tastebuds and it also suits the subject matter very well.

Thank you kindly Malc, appreciate your reply.
I agree with this. Very nice and more contrasty, (y)

Thank you kindly Lee, appreciate your reply.

"I've been thinking on the lines of Pascal Colin, Mark Fearnley and others that I mentioned a time or two back and have made up a few of my own presets (I don't like using ready made stuff) to try and produce a more journalistic look to my street style snaps"
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"Taking A Selfie"

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph captured at London UK of a couple of young ladies taking a selfie.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

Taking A Selfie (1)-03587 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y)
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