=Capture a stranger street style=

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A few of mine around London.


I don't know why, but for some reasons, images with people smoking make for some good captures and this one is no exception. Nicely done.
One I really liked from the weekend.

I don't know why, but for some reasons, images with people smoking make for some good captures and this one is no exception. Nicely done.

Thanks, feel the same about that photo, its one of my wifes favs as well
I have kinda mixed feelings on this type of photography. Many years ago my mate bought an AGFA camera, if I remember correctly it took 126 film. Although he was snap happy around the area we were brought up in, his photos were crap to say the least. Not long ago he came across them and when we studied the photos closely here were shops long since shut down, tenement blocks long since demolished to make way for a dual carriageway, people we knew long since dead, the fashions and hairstyles. looking at these time pieces, the fond memories of the area we grew up in came flooding back.

BTW the image "If looks could kill" - wouldn't you be rather p***ed off if some stranger, or perhaps you know the woman, pointed a camera at you while you were enjoying a drink?
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Big gathering in our town at the weekend, lots of faces and lots of drrrriiiiink so lots of opportunities, a few of my faves:

#1 My ickle wife (not posed)

#2 Guitar hero

#3 Lets dance

#4 Bored
You're getting much closer and with wider lenses these days compared with a while ago...(y)

How are you finding it ?

Thanks Jox. I find it much easier actually.
People are friendlier for the most part.

With DSLR I have three basic street set ups.
1 K-7 with Tamron 17-35F/2.8
1 K20D with Sigma 10-20
1 D700 with Nikor 12-24 F/2.8
When I go out with film bodies, I usually use a 28, 35 or 40mm lens.
Thanks again for the thumbs up. Still learning. :), still trying
After reading this thread and seeing some awsome shots last night and watching that video that jgredline put a link to in the first few pages, i went out this mornin and took a few pics.

Be kind this is my first go at this street photography stuff, i think i need to just build my confidence up of taking pictures so close.


After reading this thread and seeing some awsome shots last night and watching that video that jgredline put a link to in the first few pages, i went out this mornin and took a few pics.

Be kind this is my first go at this street photography stuff, i think i need to just build my confidence up of taking pictures so close.



Excellent start!!! I really like the first. Gotta love her expression! I look forward to seeing more.
I'm lovin how your confidence is building up, i think if your able to get a little bit closer to the people you'll be spot on.

You've taken the critique very well and used it to your advantage. :D

Why Thank you. The difference in the critique I got here is that there was also the constructive part that was also offered. In many other forums I have browsed (not joined) people are quick to critisize, with out offer the constructive part.

As far as getting closer still, That will be tough with the image turning into a portrait at that that point. I usuing a 20mm lens most of the time now or in that range. Still there are some where I could have gotten closer. :)
Thanks for the kind words :)

how do you fellows get such good black to white images...straight in the camera?

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Not exactly in the street but in a mountain lake :p

The clicking must have upset her Zen :LOL:

Re B&W, I don't want to sound like I take 'good black and white', whether mine are any good or not are a matter of other peoples opinion ( :) !) but most people would take their pictures in colour and process in Photoshop or similar later. Generally you can achieve more in Photoshop and process it how you want the picture to look. In camera (if you can do it that way) will simply be a conversion. Colour does work on the street too. I tend to think in black and white quite often when eyeing up a potential image but always shoot in colour, and convert (or not) later.
One of my favourites:


I think it could be a powerful image, but in my opinion (appreciated you didn't ask for!) might work better with a different treatment in PP. It looks a bit too sepia and lacking contrast to be as effective as it could be.
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