Car Photography

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Hey guys. Looking to getting into car photography now. But can't decide what lens I should get next...

I am looking at getting really good DOF the car in focus and the background blown out. The lenses I have/use just now cars are 35mm 1.8 and a 55-200mm. But neither offer the DOF I want...

So I am looking into getting either a 85mm 1.8 or a sigma 70-200mm 2.8. Does any one have any shoots taking with each lens? Or have any advice of what lens I would be best getting?
I dont shoot cars- but for quality, dof control and shooting car's I peronally would opt for 24-70mm f2.8 & a 70-200mm f2.8

Les (y)
Is this for static car shots (ie photo shoots, or car shows), or motorsport photography where the cars are moving quickly?
It also depends how close to the cars you can get, I've had success (shots I'm happy with) from 10mm to 400mm with the lens now most on the camera being the 17-40.

The 70-200 2.8 is definitely a cracking lens and next on my list.
Well my lens list so far is 10-20mm sigma, 18-55mm kit, 35mm, 55-200mm

The ones I normal use for car shows are 10-20mm and 35mm and anything longer is a bit pointless unless it's quite... But am taking more about doing set up shoot's etc :)
Finally found a photo with the sort if DOF I would like to be able to achieve...


Was at a car show at the weekend and only used my 35mm got some good photo's but think I'll try and get a 50mm 1.8D know it wont auto focus on my d3100, but they can be picked up quite cheap now...
If you already have a 35mm, the 50mm D isn't a good buy IMHO.

That photo above uses a much longer focal length I reckon...
That photo looks faked to me
I bet speed bumps make for an interesting obstacle.............:)