Career Advice

But its not having £15k worth of 'prestige' gear that allows you pitchside at a premier league game its having the right quota of published pictures to obtain your licence to be there.

It doesn't stop people having that mentality. There are numerous agencies springing up now that have somehow gotten Premier League and UEFA accreditation and get every Tom, Richard and Harry in to games. You don't need more than the 15/30 images that you need as an individual to become licensed as an agency.. as far as my understanding goes.
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It doesn't stop people having that mentality. There are numerous agencies springing up now that have somehow gotten Premier League and UEFA accreditation and get every Tom, Richard and Harry in to games. You don't need more than the 15/30 images that you need as an individual to become licensed as an agency.. as far as my understanding goes.

But isn't that how Getty, Varleys, Wilkinsons, etc, etc all started, as one man agencies, if the rules and regs are there in place then why shouldn't someone/anyone take advantage of them, if their work is good enough that is.

Maybe the systems at fault Phil and needs an overhaul.
He emailed me and I took my time to construct a detailed reply which I sent to him, much along the lines of the responses on here. I've not received a reply or any other acknowledgment from him which I consider to be very poor form.

So, if anyone comes across someone called John Fletcher, that's who it is.
So, if anyone comes across someone called John Fletcher, that's who it is.

That's John "Coventry" Fletcher from now on then :D

who are so patently incapable of producing a decent photograph to pitch up to the games.

You did mean the pun right?
It doesn't stop people having that mentality. There are numerous agencies springing up now that have somehow gotten Premier League and UEFA accreditation and get every Tom, Richard and Harry in to games. You don't need more than the 15/30 images that you need as an individual to become licensed as an agency.. as far as my understanding goes.

Yes I understand now what your saying and agree 100% with you. I have earned my licence but if I please i can get anyone to cover any game on my licence for me even if they have never picked up a camera before.(not that i would even consider it )
So yes agree completely with you.
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There are so many popping into existance who charge virtually nothing for images, and are getting people who are so patently incapable of producing a decent photograph to pitch up to the games.

Dataco wont accept licence applications from people charging silly prices.. all pics in the application have to be at the "going rate" so to speak..

I also agree with everyone else that the system needS sorting.. I think the licence app system is right.. but then the ability for people wiht a licence to accredit fred bloggs with a kodak throwaway and send him to anfield is plain stupid IMHO
Once you get a dataco licence you become an agency by default and can put anyone under your licence.. no matter who or what they are..

I havent put anyone on mine this yr but lined up 4 people to join me next yr.. One has found someone else (a better offer and I hope he does well.. really pleased for him) but the 4 i will put on will be proven photogrpahers who already go to championship or premiership grounds and have already been published..

I could advertise in here for photogrpahers and get a whole army of guys visiting loads of grounds for me.. but thats wrong IMHO I will be a small agency with 4 proven photogrpahers.. there picture and bio will be published on my website..