CeeJay - R.I.P.

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A very brave young man who fought to the end and whom many on here helped make his last Birthday and Christmas a very special one.

I've copied his mum's statement from her own forum:

Hi All...

Just to let you know that CeeJay died yesterday... After all the trouble he'd been put through the end was very quick and a blessing for him...

Christopher James
4.44 pm 20th December 1994
4.14 pm 20th February 2009

Thank you all for all the support you've offered and the cards you've sent... Small tokens of compassion that made a big difference and brought many a smile to his face... I won't forget that...

God's Lent Child

I'll lend you for a little while a child of mine, God said,
For you to love the while he lives, and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years, or forty two or three,
But will you, 'til I call him back, take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you. And should his stay be brief,
You'll always have your memories as solace in your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught below I want this child to learn.

I've looked this whole world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the folk that crowd life's lane, I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love and not think the labour vain,
Nor hate me when I come to take this lent child back again.

I fancy that I heard them say, 'Dear God Thy will be done',
For all the joys this child will bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We will shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may,
And for all the happiness we've ever known, we'll ever grateful stay.
But should the angels call him much sooner than we'd planned,
We will brace the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.

Florence Correa

That little verse is one of readings we've chosen for his funeral... I think it sums up everything to do with Chris very well...

Here's to you CeeJay x

From all the Staff here at TP, our deepest sympathies
So sorry to hear that. Please pass on my condolences.
Saddened to hear of his passing, my thoughts are with his family.
I know it has been expected but it is still devastating news, please pass on my condolences.
My condolences. So sorry to hear of their loss. He was a battler
Sorry to hear this very sad news, please pass on my condolences.
This puts every little annoyance and inconvenience in our own lives into perspective, my deepest condolences to the family.

I hope that they can find joy and happiness in the memories of the short time that they were able to spend with Ceejay.
So very sorry to hear this sad news.

My thoughts are also with the family in their time of grief.

No more suffering for brave CeeJay, Just Peace.
Very sorry to hear this sad news. Please pass on our sincere condolences. R.I.P CeeJay.
Wow, I'm choked.
Good luck mate, wherever you are.
Ive been dreading this thread :(

Bye CeeJay, never forget how many friends you had :) xxx
My thoughts and condolences to you and your family in this difficult time. You've chosen a beautiful and apt reading which I hope brings some comfort to you. xX
Very saddened to read this .My thoughts are with you
I've been thinking about him a lot recently and wondering how he was getting on. Sorry to hear this news.. :crying:
Crazygeordiegirl you were in the same boat as me.

Here is a link to who CeeJay is, and what his illness was.


Non the less. Reading what his condition was, that is truley devistating. I really do feel for his family, brought me on the verge of tears.

I wish i had have seen this post sooner....

I really would have liked to send him a card.

My deepest sympathies to all the family and friends. Atleast he isn't suffering any longer.
Sorry to hear your sad news. At least he had a lovely family who did their best to make his time here as wonderful as possible. RIP.
Clearly, we are all saddened, but at last CeeJay is out of pain, and family members can start to try to piece together their lives, which will be richer for having known him.
We on TP are lucky to have had the chance to have known how brave and strong some can be.
Now it is time to open up, let it out, and never forget just how lucky we all are.We all need to be reminded just how big some are, and how small most of us are.
I never knew about CeeJay, and have just read the link.
Totally stunned by this.It really does put the financial and employement worries into prospective.I feel so much sadness.
A brave man and an example to us all.
Bless you CeeJay. Hopefully your in a better place.
May your spirit soar CeeJay :)

My heartfelt condolences to all the family - my thoughts are with you.

Sincere regards,

My sincere sympathy to CJ's family...
Sympathy to his family, he was lucky to have had a loving family to be with him.