Cheapish binoculars


Wishes he had a couple more Inches
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Can someone recommend some cheapish binos, up to say £150. Will be used on walks in the woods to spot deer, boar and birds I’ve been using my Sony a9 and 200-600 but it gets bloody heavy keep holding it up looking for stuff. Need to be relatively light wight and compact, probably 8-10x mag.

So many on the market Im not sure where to start.
I can vouch for Bob’s recommendation, they are great for the price. So much so I bought a pair too but the Outlander version. They too are very good.
Thanks guys, I shall take a look.
Can someone recommend some cheapish binos, up to say £150. Will be used on walks in the woods to spot deer, boar and birds I’ve been using my Sony a9 and 200-600 but it gets bloody heavy keep holding it up looking for stuff. Need to be relatively light wight and compact, probably 8-10x mag.

So many on the market Im not sure where to start.

I'd look at binoculars in the x7 or x 8 range for woods use. The x10 models will have a narrower field of view which will make it more difficult to spot wildlife, particularly at shorter distances, and the higher magnification makes them harder to hold steady.
I'd look at binoculars in the x7 or x 8 range for woods use. The x10 models will have a narrower field of view which will make it more difficult to spot wildlife, particularly at shorter distances, and the higher magnification makes them harder to hold steady.
I figured as much. I ordered the 8x45 version of the opticron model as posted by Bob earlier. Amazon had a warehouse listing so only 60 ish quid. (y)