Check your Getty statement

Ooo, I reckon I can retire soon after that one.
May as well bump a thread rather than start a new one, just logged into my online banking to see Getty have paid me some money, but looking round my Getty account all I can work out is I made a sale in may, but cannot find out what sold or where, would like to know what was sold as I'd hate to find it in use and chase them for unauthorised use when the actually have paid for it
you can let viewers know your interested by, turning on the request to license feature next to the licensing information, this then puts a link next to the license info on your images where people can request to license it through getty
you can let viewers know your interested by, turning on the request to license feature next to the licensing information, this then puts a link next to the license info on your images where people can request to license it through getty

That's really not what I asked though :(
May as well bump a thread rather than start a new one, just logged into my online banking to see Getty have paid me some money, but looking round my Getty account all I can work out is I made a sale in may, but cannot find out what sold or where, would like to know what was sold as I'd hate to find it in use and chase them for unauthorised use when the actually have paid for it

Matt do you know where to find the downloadable statement? They changed things a couple of months ago.
Matt do you know where to find the downloadable statement? They changed things a couple of months ago.

I don't as to be honest never really looked before today other thank processing images Getty have was only that I noticed a payment into my bank account :) will go take another look :) looking for the download statement option :D cheers
Thanks Richard, I've found the statement and discovered it was sold though the New York office and that it was

It's a Curved World (Explored) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Quite cool to get a nice payment for a photo that was in reality me just playing at merging two photos together :D
Awesome shot!

I'm going to have to start learning from you. I've never tried star trails, but now I have the itch!
Awesome shot!

I'm going to have to start learning from you. I've never tried star trails, but now I have the itch!

Cheers, that one was only a bit of fun and is truth be told a bit of a face as the stars were not shot on the same evening or same location as the light trails ;) but I've never hidden that
May as well bump a thread rather than start a new one, just logged into my online banking to see Getty have paid me some money, but looking round my Getty account all I can work out is I made a sale in may, but cannot find out what sold or where, would like to know what was sold as I'd hate to find it in use and chase them for unauthorised use when the actually have paid for it

**Edit... Wow too slow typing that one**

You need to export the monthly statement from the royalties>export tab.

It should then tell you what image it was, who bought it and what for.
**Edit... Wow too slow typing that one**

You need to export the monthly statement from the royalties>export tab.

It should then tell you what image it was, who bought it and what for.

No worries but thanks all the same Tom, much appreciated :)