Chester zoo

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chimpanzee by rodneyvalentine50, on Flickr

meerkat by rodneyvalentine50, on Flickr
The chimp house at Chester zoo is quite dark apart from where the light streams in through the windows. A pool of light was on this chimp although the background was very dark so the only processing I had to do was a little sharpening and increases the saturation. The meerkat had a little sharpening .
Had another look at these Rod and think the chimp shot is being dragged down a bit by the hay which needs to be toned down and have some colour adjustment to give the subject all the attention it merits.
Thank`s Rockshifter I have to agree with you I will tone down the hay.
Regardless of critique and comments I feel the chimp picture is a magnificent shot. The brightness of the hay is indicative of the scene you verbally describe.
The chimp photo is outstanding! ! !

I saw the first bird pic and thought this deserves a favourable comment then saw the second and was blown away.

Best animal shot Iv seen in a long time if ever and captures the emotion of the creaure beautifully.

The hay is perfect too don't change a thing.

Someone buy that man a drink!
Great stuff.

I always think that animal shots work best if there's some kind of story behind them or behaviour going on rather than just a 'perfect' shot of the animal.

With that in mind - the chimp shot is one of those that leaves you wondering what the animal is thinking. We've no idea what's going through his / her mind but it encourages us to come to our own conclusions
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