Chesterton Windmill Silhouette - ND110 Sunset


In Memoriam
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I took this one a few days ago as part of my Challenge 366 - 2012 I am going to be ordering this on canvas shortly (y)

47/366 (412) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

As with all my images C&C is more than welcomed and appreciated (y)

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Order one for me whilst your at it!

Can't decide if it could do with just a tiny rotate CC - so the windmill is straight - or I just need to drink less red wine....

Regardless, this is awesome. How much processing?

That really is very very nice indeed. Love the simplicity, colours and composition - spot on (y)
Nice work Matt, that's looks a bugger to get right, which you have done. Really striking image.(y)
It looks like the windmill is reaching out to warm itself. Love the colours and textures in the sky. Works for me.

Take care,


Thanks, I'm really pleased with it (y)

Order one for me whilst your at it!

Can't decide if it could do with just a tiny rotate CC - so the windmill is straight - or I just need to drink less red wine....

Regardless, this is awesome. How much processing?


This really kind of you to say :D I'm confident it's level (y) but before the order go's in it will be triple checked (y) as to processing there is very little processing in this maybe a couple of minutes, just dropped the exposure back a little, raised the blacks to bring in a full silhouette and give the colours a little saturation and vibrancy boost (y) finally cropped to finalise the composition that I wanted (y)

That really is very very nice indeed. Love the simplicity, colours and composition - spot on (y)

Thank you kindly :D

Nice work Matt, that's looks a bugger to get right, which you have done. Really striking image.(y)

Thanks, I'm pleased that you like it :D and your right it takes some getting right, it took my 10 trips to the windmill to get the image that I finally wanted for the canvas (y) I guess it's a good job it's only 10 minutes from my home (y)

That's really nice Matt. That sky is just glowing warmth.

Thanks Peter, it was a wonderful evening (y) I seem to have been blessed with so many great sunsets this years :woot:

Really nice Matt, how do you get a sunset like that? I can never seem to find them!

Lovely picture! I noticed this mill the other week as the sun was setting when I was driving to my girlfriends house!

Looks like there are some nice pictures to be taken there :)
Really nice Matt, how do you get a sunset like that? I can never seem to find them!


Thanks Phil, I think that I've just been extremely lucky this year (y) I've managed to get some truly stunning sunsets as witnessed in my 366 I think that I've done more landscapes already this year than I did in the whole of 2011's challenge

Lovely picture! I noticed this mill the other week as the sun was setting when I was driving to my girlfriends house!

Looks like there are some nice pictures to be taken there :)

Thanks James there really are some great photo's to be had there (y) I can certainly recommend stopping of there (y)

Stunning sky and a super silouette, nice one Matt.

Thanks Allen it's the sky that makes it for me (y)