Children of the 1930's - 1970's


God I was a cute baby. :p

And as for the "wearing only knitted stuff" I can relate to that, lol.

There's a memory - climbing up on a chair to feed Nan's leccy meter with 50p pieces.....oh, and the lights going out and the TV dying when we'd forgotten to feed it, then having to take the torch to get the 50p's out the jar!

Buying a tube of smarties and hoping against hope that the letter inside the plastic lid was your initial (it never was though!). Sherbert fountains, dip-dabs, blackjacks, buying "a quarter" of sweets from the jar without really knowing what exactly it was a quarter of! Licorice shoelaces (the red ones were never as tasty as the black ones) and those licorice wheels that you HAD to unravel before you could eat. Tubes of polos for 8p, and those miniture bars of Dairy Milk for 10p (I think they changed the name to "Wildlife bar" eventually as some sort of promotional tie-in with the WWF). And yes curly wurly's were loads longer!

Wanting Sindy's house for Christmas "Because Nicola York's getting it!" and having to put up with the bedroom set because Mum & dad couldn't stretch to the extra for the house.......listening to the Grease Soundtrack and being jealous of my friend Jenny cos she had a recvord player (the thing I only appreciate now is that she had a record player because her Dad bought it for her to ease his guilt when he had an affair and left her Mum!).

The playing in the street thing is so true too - I can remember getting in terrible trouble for playing in the hole that the roadworks men had left behind...well, living in London it was full of clay you see.....lord we got in a mess!