Chilean Flamingo

Les McLean

In Memoriam
Edit My Images
Captive bird

Taken the other day on Harewood Estate.

I'm particularly pleased with this shot, mainly because of the light, especially it's luminosity, I carefully metered the shot-using an average of 5 spot meter readings from the flamingo, also I wanted it's reflection included, and the swirly blue of the water-what I'm not so sure about is the darker patch at the top of the water, tried everyway I could to avoid, but couldn't get round it.

Still, I'm chuffed with the finished image :)

Canon 1Ds MKII, 120-300mm F2.8 +2.0TC 1/640 sec @ f6.3, ISO200

Larger image link included:

I like it as a tighter crop without the reflection - soz

Like this...


I see whare you are coming from-and I took a few without the reflection-but the focus of this image was the reflection. But I appreciate we all see things differently. :)
Lovely colours and capture - I do prefer the tighter crop though!

There is a dreamy quality about this image :)
Nice photo, just a shame the reflection isn't slightly lighter
Nice photo, just a shame the reflection isn't slightly lighter

I agree, but I wanted the exposure on the bird, if I'd hedged my bets and tried to balance the exposure with the reflection, I would have lost some of the luminosity of the feathers-so something had to give. :)
i like this les. well taken

i like both the original and the crop. the thing is with the reflection you can always crop tighter . if you never had it .:thinking: then well you would not have the choice..

i like this les. well taken

i like both the original and the crop. the thing is with the reflection you can always crop tighter . if you never had it .:thinking: then well you would not have the choice..


True - but if you eventually decide on the crop - you've lost half your precious pixels if you didn't also shoot it as a crop (assuming you could of course)

I heard a corker from a pro tog a couple of years ago who had the Canon 16mp thingey - said he ALWAYS shot (Weddings) in landscape and just cropped to portrait when needed - as 8mp is enough

Interesting reason to not spin a camera 90 degrees


Like both.
DDave you are a man wise beyond your years (You are twelve - aren't you ?).
Like both.
DDave you are a man wise beyond your years (You are twelve - aren't you ?).

Hmmm... insult or joke... thinks...

Oh what the Hell


and just in case



PS - most who know me suggest an apparent age of around 15-18
lovely colour, prefer it with the reflection
I heard a corker from a pro tog a couple of years ago who had the Canon 16mp thingey - said he ALWAYS shot (Weddings) in landscape and just cropped to portrait when needed - as 8mp is enough

I like both versions, of course the shot had to be there in the first place cropped or not ;)

LOL this DD, makes you wonder why he bought a 17mp camera if an 8mp one would do ? ;)