
Nope this are in the right section (y) they be plants so it fits well in this section, to be honest there are not doing all that much for me :shrug: I think that you would be better placed getting closer making one chilli the main subject of the photo with maybe a couple in the back ground (y)

I think you found the right angle to shoot from with the third attempt. I don't usually like taking pictures of plants from above as it limits the amount of exposed subject in the frame. Also in the third your subject is more the focus of the image because the background has more repetition in it that in the first two (where the pot was acting as a background).
;) after seeing this thread i just had to nip into the back garden & give the same shot a go with my last years chilli's..
hope you dont mind me jumping on your thread.. if so i can remove it.

Dying Chilli's by B30s, on Flickr