Chinese New Year Stuff (Candids).

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Today saw me meeting up with other TP photographers for an assault on London and the Chinese New Year festival.

I must say it was a good day and I have had a blast, the best thing of the day is I have a new Fav lens already.... Most of the day saw me totting the 45mm ƒ1.8 which produced some great shots, as well as using the 40-150 to get a little bit of extra reach when shooting through the crowds.

Whilst on the train to London I was having a few doubts as to if the Olympus Pen would be responsive enough for my normal candid day out, that was doubt was banished once I hit the crowds... the focusing was rapid and spot on, and since I only had one battery with me (Note to self remember to order another one) I shot till I ran out of Juice.

I thought that I would get into trouble a lot soon with running out of juice as I was leaving the camera on all the time and just utilizing the sleep function as I thought turning on and off would be too slow and I might miss some shots, however the start up time is quite rapid but I still left it on all day.

Ended up shooting a total of 254 frames before the battery finally said enough is enough you have had your quota for the day.

So out of the X100 and the Pen which is my camera of choice for crowd surfing..... I would have to say the Pen, it performed flawlessly and the AF speed and accuracy is blistering and leaves the X100 standing at the start line wondering what happened. However on looks the X100 has it ..... its a pretty little beast even though Fuji could have put as much love and thought into the inner workings and AF system as they did with the exterior design.

So down to images now..... I will put a section of images in the thread but if you want to see the other it would be best to pop over to my Pbase site I will but a link bellow this paragraph before the images.







More to Follow......
An excellent set Nigel all round ... my personal fav is the father/daughter face pulling shot :)
5 & 6 are great portraits.

Glad to hear the PEN performed well, I'm finding my Panasonic M4/3 gear a blessing now days
An excellent set Nigel all round ... my personal fav is the father/daughter face pulling shot :)

I think that one is a cracker to....

great set mate..was good to catch up today :)
now in hotel room relaxing..didn't get back to hotel until 6 ish,after staying at trafalgar sq with Sarah and John .

Kick back mate and chill out... good to see you again, hope to see you again soon.

5 & 6 are great portraits.

Glad to hear the PEN performed well, I'm finding my Panasonic M4/3 gear a blessing now days

I must say I am rather smitten with it after today, performed like a trouper...
All the images have just had presets run on them in Lightroom, could not be happier with the speed of the processing.

Love your shots. I was up in London for the same reason. ill upload my set soon.

Hope you had a good day as well....

Thanks for the comments everyone.

You certainly have an eye for selecting interesting people. I saw those twins too, bit odd for women their age...

The black & white conversion really works. I'll look at mine tomorrow and post the better ones.

Glad you enjoyed the meet!
You certainly have an eye for selecting interesting people. I saw those twins too, bit odd for women their age...

The black & white conversion really works. I'll look at mine tomorrow and post the better ones.

Glad you enjoyed the meet!

Thanks Sara,

I do try to find things that stand out... does not always work out that way, was a rather full larder today so picking were good.

Will pop back to the main meet thread later on to see if you have a link to your post in there.


6, 11 and 12 are great images :) not sure what you have done to #7 but it looks a little "overcooked".

i'm a sucker for mono..I just think portraits just seem to look much more expressive in black and white :)
Loving no 10 in mono,nice work

6, 11 and 12 are great images :) not sure what you have done to #7 but it looks a little "overcooked".

i'm a sucker for mono..I just think portraits just seem to look much more expressive in black and white :)

Good set

Great set Nigel, some cracking candid portraits.

Thanks for the comments chaps...

I am in the process of producing a B&W of the twins but I want to spend a little time on this one to see if I can really get it to pop.

Some great captures of moments there Nigel.

Interesting to convert to B&W given that it was such a colourful day, a really good take on it.

Good to meet you too.


Some really great, interesting shots Nigel. For me the pick of the bunch are #5, #6 and #9. Looks like you had a good day.
Some great captures of moments there Nigel.

Interesting to convert to B&W given that it was such a colourful day, a really good take on it.

Good to meet you too.



Thanks for the comments Trevor,

I know there was an array of colours about but I felt the candids just worked better in B&W.

GOt a bit of thing going at the moment for B&W's

Some really great, interesting shots Nigel. For me the pick of the bunch are #5, #6 and #9. Looks like you had a good day.

Cheers Feek

It was a good very good day mate... would have been better if I had bought along a spare battery but hey cant have everything.

Lovely set - and very clear! quite impressed with the results you have got from the Olympus Pen :clap:

I think the mono works very well for each photograph as candid portraits, but I think they fail to tell the story of the day in that the Chinese New Year celebration is all about and vibrant colour etc. Still, lovely set.

Lovely set - and very clear! quite impressed with the results you have got from the Olympus Pen :clap:

I think the mono works very well for each photograph as candid portraits, but I think they fail to tell the story of the day in that the Chinese New Year celebration is all about and vibrant colour etc. Still, lovely set.



Won't argue with you there, I did not really want to capture the essence of the festival, I was mainly there wanting to get some street candids.

I did have some colour images I liked but I was mainly looking to produce a set of B&W street candids.


Not usually a fan of candid shots but these are really nice. My fave is the red haired twins(?) in number 10. :clap:
Some really nice Candids there. Some great facial expressions going on.
Not usually a fan of candid shots but these are really nice. My fave is the red haired twins(?) in number 10. :clap:

Many thanks Dinsdale

Some really nice Candids there. Some great facial expressions going on.

There are some great faces being pulled.... cheers

Number five has great impact, very intense look I think, perfect comp wise, love it. The twins is cool to had I not seen them all day.

Cracking little camera mate, images look totally honest from here. why would one need anything more.

Cheers FB, its a very nice thing to use and I think it will serve well, once the idiot operating it gets another battery so he is not left high and dry halfway through the day, after frantic candid grabbing.

Cheers all

4, 5, 6 & 12 What a great set mate! they are better than what you got with the D700! lol..

I can see why you like that little camera so much.. great looking images..

Well done mate..
4, 5, 6 & 12 What a great set mate! they are better than what you got with the D700! lol..

I can see why you like that little camera so much.. great looking images..

Well done mate..


Cheers mate, you might be right, the camera is just so unobtrusive that people don't really take that much notice of it more than likely.

It is producing some nice clean images that convert very well with very little PP.
