Chipped lens

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I've noticed 2 very tiny chips on the front of my 17-40 lens after doing a bit of landscape photography last week for a change. The chips only really show up at narrow apertures. Has anyone experience of getting lens glass replaced? Would you bother?
They shouldn't even show up at narrow apertures? Is it definitely the chips you are seeing or is it the light refraction they are causing?
The only effect a small chip will have on images is sometimes adding a tiny bit of flare, probably completely unnoticeable. If that worries you simply black out the chip with a tiny bit of black paint. That will change the effect on the image to a tiny loss of light, if it's a small chip then probably a lot less than 1% of a stop.
I noticed on some sunset shots, shooting directly into the sun at f16. When looking at the image on the back of the camera, and on the Mac you can see the lens flare - I presumed it was the chips on the glass.
You'd always get lens flare shooting directly into the sun, its probably nothing more than that, unless its completely unusual?
Heres the unedited raw, just resized for web. The flare I am on about is 1/3 across by 1/3 down just in the water

That's normal flare, nothing to worry about :) (you can tell due to the hexagonal shape and position along direct the line from the sun)
Indeed the hexagonal shape is due to the high F stop value. Your lens has 7 aperture blades I reckon ;)
Ahh ok

Ok I have OCD and don't like the chips ;) heh
I know what you mean! It might lower the resale slightly but it should affect your images :)
I have had a chipped 400mm 5.6 lens for over three years and i have never noticed any issues ,its probably more to knowing its there ,as it did with me ,bugged me for ages then i totoaly forgot about it and just got on with it