Christmas Guinea pig

Martha (nickname is Violet)
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This is Poppy (born on remembrance day), She's a 4 1/2 week old baby guinea pig, and she'd like to say Happy christmas!!

C&C would be lovely, thanks!

I absolutely adore GP's as well super little pets..The picture is a stunner:clap: Very well done you(y)
Aww look at her wee face! :) Love the photo!
No where as good as Martha's shot but by a strange coincidence we had one of our Guinea pigs die on remembrance day and have just aquired another pair that we have just discovered were born on remembance day. so I hope you don't mind me posting up another pic with the idea that you can never have to many pictures of baby pigs.

Forgot to ask in my previous post if you could give me any hints how you lit your shot as I am sure when I show my daughter this picture tonight she will ask if I can try somehting similar. I have so far avoided using flash as I haven't wanted to take any chances of startling or upsetting the little darlings.
Forgot to ask in my previous post if you could give me any hints how you lit your shot as I am sure when I show my daughter this picture tonight she will ask if I can try somehting similar. I have so far avoided using flash as I haven't wanted to take any chances of startling or upsetting the little darlings.

Hi, this shot was lit with a simple flash-gun pointing straight up to the ceiling. The background is a thin lino type of material that I've really taken to as it's easy to clean when dealing with animals, which I do a lot of!

And you certainly can't take enough pics of pets, I took up photography because I found it important to remember everyone I have, and I have a lot!

Thank you everyone for your compliments, they mean the world to me :) xx