Civic Lsi Shoot

I like the first! Great colours. Is it "natural" lightning?

I used a light box to highlight the side of the car and a hand held flash gun.

The purple light in the background is all natural. The security lights seemed to have a purplish tinge to them so I set them off whilst on long exposure.

It took some effort to filter out all the yellow light from street lights in the foreground.
old school :) looks like you're shooting Thunderbird 4.
I like it :)
love the setting too.
did the flash gun reflect off the back of the car/spoiler in #2?
Nice use of backgrounds / location. the colours of the car really pop with the location you've used.

only 'bad point' if im picky is the lighting looking a little obvious for my liking in the second shot...

other than that, as i say the locations are spot on for the car, as are the angles you've shot at.
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Nice use of backgrounds / location. the colours of the car really pop with the location you've used.

only 'bad point' if im picky is the lighting looking a little obvious for my liking in the second shot...

other than that, as i say the locations are spot on for the car, as are the angles you've shot at.

I definately agree that in the second shot there wasnt much thought in the lighting process. Very basic use of the speedlight. if I had more time I coulda been more creative.

And yes the glare on the rear upper strut brace is caused by the flash.