Clay Pidgeon Shoot Anyone?

Just a quickey


That's an absolute cracker, very well captured!
Its a charity event in Congleton.. So its just pics of people there enjoying themselves for use on the charity website...has to show its a clay shoot event of course.. so i was thinking wide showing everyone and some close ups..

close ups being with a long lens..

would be ideal if theres somewhere out of the way i could camp out and just take shots as stuff there much room at these places?

12-6 so plenty of time 6 hrs:)

you could of before hand stick a older camera down in middle of the field lock focus on to something near to where the will be stood and use a wireless remote to get some sort of general shots that way i understand they wont be 100 % what you might want to take but atleast you will have some geric type and dont risk getting shot lol
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If you look at the end of the barrel you have also caught the recoil, you can see the gap between the barrel and the flash.

I was going to suggest trying to get a pellet shot, get low behind the shooter and shoot multiple shots as he fires.

Re the hand position
It all depends on the shooter and how fast they want to swing the barrels, some people feel they have more control holding the fore stock further down for the slower targets.

Nice shot :D
I was going to suggest trying to get a pellet shot, get low behind the shooter and shoot multiple shots as he fires.

That was slightly easier to get.. but back of head.. there was so many good positions for almost frontal views that I decided faces more important :)

These are some of the angles i was able to get of shooters.. All from designated view areas.. not me being brave... with various lens/bodies.. such as 400mm.. also side on and back as per..

Just showing you the angles with these!




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Some cool shots there Tony.
absolute belter that tony! well done pal. he has GOT to buy it!