Cleaning Mac Hard drive - advice wanted

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I have a Macbook Pro with 120Gig HD, I also have a 320 Gig HD which I keep my music, photos and video files on.

I use LR and have the LR database on my main hard drive. I seem to be very close to running out of room on my system HD.

Looking through it seems I am using 30Gig in my Library, I have no idea how much of this I need to keep.

Any suggestions on how to free up some space?
Right - the best way to clear out unwanted junk is to go into your library folder and find out what's clogging it up. I just went in there now and found 6GB of stuff I could throw away. It's just a case of Cmd-I'ing on all the folders in your Library and seeing which ones are the big hogs and then decide on what info from those apps you don't want. Once this is established, just trash 'em! ;)

I also like cleaning out my Applications folder every now and then - usually gets filled up with loads of freeware/shareware junk that I'll never use again. Hope this helps...
Thanks Ad, funnily enough I have just bought that, worth £10 to not have to do cmd-i three hundred times.

Thanks Mike, I'm having a hunt around now. For example I have 5.5Gig in Library/Mirrors. I have no idea what this is, is it safe to just delete it?
No idea what Library/Mirrors is - I don't have it... what's in it?

Developer Dir doesn't sound like it should be deleted... again, what's in it?