Clifton Suspension Bridge

love that image - I've climbed & absailed from it on multiple occasions - great image.
I love the pov Jake- may I ask where you shot this from- its a cracker by the way

Les :clap:
That's a great image Jake, well exposed and the light provides added interest too. My only critique would have been to try to widen the view to encompass the full length of the bridge. I don't know the area so it may not be possible. All the same, a great image

That's a great image Jake, well exposed and the light provides added interest too. My only critique would have been to try to widen the view to encompass the full length of the bridge. I don't know the area so it may not be possible. All the same, a great image


Thanks Andy! I need to get my hands on a 17mm lens! To the left it does extend slightly further, but it is behind trees, to the right, that's all of it.
That's great Jake. The sharpness and texture on the bridge looks ace.

Thanks Danny (y)

That is an absolute cracker Jake. I would have that on my wall straight away, as good as they get IMO. What was the shutter speed if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks Andy! Those comments mean a lot! I am going to get this one printed I think!

EXIF - 262 seconds | f20 | ISO 100 | 24mm
Its a cracking shot
Thanks Pete! You're crazy by the way! :LOL:

Thanks Les :)
This is shot from Clifton Observatory. There is a nice little open space with a footpath up there.

Thank you (y)

Thank you Jake- I think I know where you mean

Les (y)
Great capture.

Thank you :)

Its a cracking shot

Thanks Alf (y)

Thank you Jake- I think I know where you mean

Les (y)

Thanks Les :) I park on Clifton Down, and wander up the hill.

Sadly you are not the first & I suspect you won't be the last to say that...:D

:LOL: Fair play to you though, I got scared enough doing Go Ape!

That's a very good image Jake! (y)

Thanks Andy :)
I prefer this POV rather than looking up at it, I must try this location at some point, I like the way the street lights are picked up on the water on the nearside bank overall a nice sharp well presented shot
I prefer this POV rather than looking up at it, I must try this location at some point, I like the way the street lights are picked up on the water on the nearside bank overall a nice sharp well presented shot

Thanks Richard :) I agree, this is one of the best viewpoints of the bridge. I also agree about the street lights, I felt they made a nice lead in to the bridge itself.
Stood in exactly the same spot a few weeks back only during the daytime. Not easy to get all the bridge in due to the trees but you have done a great job there. I never thought of waiting till dusk it makes for a far better shot as you have proved. Beautiful sunset the night I was there but was way to far over to the right.
Stood in exactly the same spot a few weeks back only during the daytime. Not easy to get all the bridge in due to the trees but you have done a great job there. I never thought of waiting till dusk it makes for a far better shot as you have proved. Beautiful sunset the night I was there but was way to far over to the right.

Thanks :) Yeah the sun does set really far over at this time of the year, however on a good day you can get some wonderful dusk colours before twilight sets in.