Clio Meet - Opinions

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Ive not been on here in ages, since then ive bought a new car and had a mini meet with a few mates, i took loads of pics but this one in particular stood out for me,

can i have any opinions good or bad to help me improve :)
P.S it was only shot with a casio exilm


i currently dont have photoshop, and i only have a laptop, so i will edit the reg's and thats all, ill upload a few more shortly
One word:

I think, what he's trying to say is that the background is a bit distracting, and the cars would've looked better with a more plain background.

The low angle works well, but there's possibly a touch too much foreground.

JMO, i don't really shoot cars, so the experts will probably be able to tell you more :)
Hi kayleigh

Cleaned up the BG and white line, also a different crop and some extra width on the right, what do you think Click for larger

Clio Meet Original Photo By kayleigh_x

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Thats more like it Dave!

The cars are now the subject
Thanks for that, i did say i dont have photoshop, and i wouldnt know how to get rid of the street lamp anyway, :)
Well, you could always get "old school" and try to stage your shot with a decent background in the first place :D
Well, you could always get "old school" and try to stage your shot with a decent background in the first place :D

What and save hours of time re-touching pictures, where's the fun in that:bonk::D

Daves version has shown the potential in the shot really well. I for one am always noticing things in the b/g after I taken the shot and gone home, I now try and spend time looking at the picture I want to take before lifting the camera to my eye.
Well, you could always get "old school" and try to stage your shot with a decent background in the first place :D

well there is a good idea :D
ill do that next time, tbh ive not taken photos in months, i need to keep lookin thru these posts and readin the replys to get back to noticing things, i hadny sctuall noticed all the st lamps haha :bang:
For a start try typing proberly so people can understand you and secondly watch the background. Dave did a nice job there.

"Come in pot this is Kettle, I say again, come in pot this is kettle"

Whilst a low stance is generally good I think you've gone too low with this shot, you can see too much ground under the cars which makes them appear higher than they are. As a rule of thumb, don't shoot lower than waist level unless you're delibreattely trying to emphasise the hieght of the car.
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True, but the botched sky is still a distraction ;) But aye, gets the point across nicely.

Well it was just to show the potential of the shot, and to give an idea of checking the BG properly wasnt meant to be perfect as I say more an Example :D if it was meant to be perfect I would have cloned out the dangley thing in the blue car LOL
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