

Staff Bog Cleaner 2015
Edit My Images
Another from my shoot with Sam

Thoughts please

Nice colours, as said in earlier threads but now you have the close up, I think her eyes could stand a little whitening just a tad mind.

If you were feeling brave with the PP, you could always clone out the reflector and make the catch lights slightly bigger too, for that mega pro studio look.

I do like the look you have achieved anyhoo.
i think thats a cracker. you have done well!
Many thanks for the comments, this was my first real studio experience and I'm pretty happy with the results so far, really got the bug though so I feel another drain on my wallet :eek:

tiler, not sure what you mean with the catch light thing... Care to enlighten me :D
yep thats a cracker. the tight crop/lighting/pose and stare work great, well done Alice Cooper, i mean Gene....sorry Brian!!!:cool:
Gorgeous skin tones and wonderful it my eye or is there an odd shadow on her cheek just to the left of her mouth?...nice framing and eye contact too
It's a fabulous shot - absolutely beautiful tones. (y)

I think tiler was referring to something like this.... no catchlight in the bottom of the iris and the left hand catchlight made slightly larger (although you could do a better job than my two minute effort).


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Not a frequent viewer of this section but must say this caught my eye and is a stunning shot (y)
Superb capture, colours and composition lovely.
Even better with Derek's edit to the catchlights!
Love the shot :)

Only problem I have is after looking at her beauty, I'm now seeing a bent nose, probably due to how the light covers it. But I'm saying it's my dodgy eyesight :D
It's a fabulous shot - absolutely beautiful tones. (y)

I think tiler was referring to something like this.... no catchlight in the bottom of the iris and the left hand catchlight made slightly larger (although you could do a better job than my two minute effort).


Thanks Derek, that's what I mean.
Like that allot, the colour is spot on, do agree abot the Catch lights though,

Studio is addictive, started doping a bit last year, sure is another drain on the budget that is for sure.
the close crop of her eyes is good too, next time you get to shoot her brian, get right up close!
The first thing that struck me about this image was the lack of symmetry in the model's jaw line, it's much more prominent on her left side and makes her face look 'unbalanced' - I hope this makes sense. :)

What a great model though!
Great shot - but as Colin said the lack of symmetry ........ mmmm quick PP tweak would do it ...
I'm grateful for the comments as it's the best way for me to learn, this was my first stab at studio shooting and I need much much more time with the lights :)

There's never going to be a true symmetry on the jaw as she's slightly turned to the camera and it's resulted in the shadow falling on the side of her face furthest from the key light. When I viewed on a black background in CS4 I could see the jaw line on that side going back into the hair. It's even more noticeable on the large file. :)

But I am taking it all on board, the shot itself has had very little done to it, a crop and a quick smooth of the skin and a few hairs cloned was about it. If I'd have had my time again with her I'd have asked her to hold the pose longer, as it was she was changing poses from one to another after about 30 seconds or so.

Thanks for the comments (y)
I'm grateful for the comments as it's the best way for me to learn, this was my first stab at studio shooting and I need much much more time with the lights :)


If I'd have had my time again with her I'd have asked her to hold the pose longer, as it was she was changing poses from one to another after about 30 seconds or so.

Thanks for the comments (y)

This will change with time " studio time i mean" you will learn what you want and try and get it before you/ the model moves on to something else...

Never be worried to ask the model to hold a pose or do one again matey... it will make a huge difference in your final shots..

All imho

This will change with time " studio time i mean" you will learn what you want and try and get it before you/ the model moves on to something else...

Never be worried to ask the model to hold a pose or do one again matey... it will make a huge difference in your final shots..

All imho



This is somthing I have picked up myself over the sessions I have done in the last six months or so :D
LOVE it mate. Excellent shot, the colours are great, the skin looks natural and the hair looks suitably bright / modern / out-there.

Would you be so kind as to post your set up (cam / lens / lighting & settings)? I understand if you'd rather not, some magicians like to keep their tricks secret ;)
I used a 5dmkII with the 24-70, 125th at iso 100 f11

Lighting was a large octobox as the main light with a smaller softbox on the other side, I think there was roughly 2 stops difference between the lights to give the shadows.