Cloudy Day

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Critical comments please - Landscapes, (if this is a Landscape?), are new to me

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dull as dishwater for me.....

I cant comment on the tech of the pic.. not a lanscape man myself... but the picture is dull.. I dont know if its they grey cloud dominating that does it.. but the whole thing is bland for me I am afraid ...
dull as dishwater for me.....

I cant comment on the tech of the pic.. not a lanscape man myself... but the picture is dull.. I dont know if its they grey cloud dominating that does it.. but the whole thing is bland for me I am afraid ...

Thanks Kipax - just what I need to make me get out there and try again - it was quite a dramatic day - wind, rain, hail, and strong sun

I guess that I have been unable to capture any of that
somoene else might post saying it captures a dull dank day really well... thats the trouble wiht photogrpahy :)