Coal Tit

Beautiful colours (no blown cheek highlights, good blacks), nice pose and a spot on background which is diffused but still has a bit of interest. All in all a very good shot
Very subtle and sympathetic colours between bird and background - Very pleasing indeed. Nice image.
as good as it gets imo :clap:
Very nice colour and good detailed shot :)
Nice one ! A zoom lens or a long focal length telephoto lens will give the most detailed images for close-up photography. In order to be able to get the shot, you need to hide yourself from birds, which can be extremely skittish. In order to get the best color, you need to set the white balance. Most cameras come with a light sampling feature in the white balance selections. Depending on the time of day that you shoot, you’ll want to use a color card to adjust the white balance to obtain the most vibrant colors – and birds tend to have a wide array of colors on their feathers and in their surroundings.