Cold Jetty and Warm Hill

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These are the last from my shots around Derwent water, see what you think. CC welcome, I took a bit of a battering over my use of polarisers in another thread so I'm going to go sit in a cornor and think about what I've done :(


I like them both! Number 1 works well for me...but maybe because it's +1 F and windy outside my door today (for about the 20th day in a row), so I'm blue, blue, blue. :LOL:
Love the first, the low light blue colour shift works for me, particularly like how you have used the fg rocks/ice as a foundation for the composition, preventing the jetty from dominating, resulting in it sitting comfortably in the frame.

good work.
Two great shots there, I like the foreground in#1 #2 is my choice, I love that low angle and the frost on the grass with the sparkling sun in the sky very well taken.(y)
Both very nice images imho. The first works very well with the icy foreground and the jetty set further back again. The second you have done well with too. I find it hard to shoot into the sun without it impacting on the overall exposure (highlights) too much, but you have managed it really well(y)
I like them both but #1 is my favourite. I really like the blue tint.
I love the first shot; brilliant effect.
Thanks guys, some good comments there, bit of a mix as to which people prefer. I did a mono version as well, it didn't make the cut but I thought I'd put it up anyway, thanks again for looking folks

These are the last from my shots around Derwent water, see what you think. CC welcome, I took a bit of a battering over my use of polarisers in another thread so I'm going to go sit in a cornor and think about what I've done :(

You are only allowed to sit in the corner if you suck your thumb and wear a broke back mountain hat ;)

Love them both Pete, #1 is very cool in many ways, compositionally and the blue look. #2 has lovely warmth and very effective use of shooting into the sun. (y)
Agree with Chewy, very cool shot. I also like the mono version as well.

Absolutely love the first of these images. I couldn't have told you why, it just works, but what Les says seems to make sense and sounds intelligent. ;)

Unfortunately number #2 is something else. I am saying this because I hope the positives above will balance it out, but IMO the second is an example of how so badly wrong a polarizer can be. I am very glad that you've posted this though, and the panos the other day, as I am about to finally lay down some wedge on a Heliopan 105mm polarizer and I can see that it will need to be used with caution of I want to get even colour across the whole image. Is it the fact that you've shot at 16mm, that has caused the problems? And does this ALWAYS happen at this kind of focal length?
Thanks for the comments guys.

The CPL's effect vary depending on the angle of the sun, I think (although I could be wrong) at 16mm the angle of view is about 100 degrees so you are bound to get a transitional effect on the sky.

However when you include the sun, as I do from time to time, a grad is a must, otherwise you blow out the sky. The light is a lot more intense nearer the sun even with a 3 stop grad you will get a transitional white to blue with or without a CPL, but the cpl may emphasise it, what I am saying is the sky would look wrong if it was an even blue tone for a 360 degree view with a white/yellow blob where the sun is, this is because it is even beyond the dynamic range of the human eye.

IMO the benefits of the polariser outweighs the drawbacks. Of course I could be wrong about this.
The light is a lot more intense nearer the sun even with a 3 stop grad you will get a transitional white to blue with or without a CPL, but the cpl may emphasise it...

Yep, I get what you're saying there. I think the polarizer emphasises the difference in colour. Shame you didn't get one without it for comparison, as I think I'd have preferred it.