


Having looked around here for more than long enough, I thought it was about time that I actually posted something. I was rather pleased with this, but it's more by luck than design.
try this (Had to put it in PHP tags so the IMG tag didn't get parsed):
Your image is a little over the 160k filesize limit - there used to be a sticky topic about that but I can't find it, so maybe that rule doesn't apply any more. Mods??
If it's hosted off site it can be up to 200kb now, but the 800 pixels (longest side) rule still applies. :)
Thanks Gfk. Why does my post not show the image, only the link. have I missed someting?
And, i saved it as 800 pixels and 128K. Confused.
Alan you had URL tags as well as IMG tages, sorted though!
Hey another bug chaser :)

You haven't ticked the box in your profile for others to edit your pictures. I just gave your picture a bit of a sharpen and it came up quite well but I've deleted it now. Might just be down to the resizing you did.