Colour .. or not?

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one shot two variations,... which one works better....... and if you dont like either thats fine to tell me and why as well pls.......



black and white works better for me, though I think for me it would work better as a crop just above the knee as the leg is distracting
Guess it depends on what you would see it being used as. I can imagine it being an add with type over it. I quite like the colour as it makes it slightly more interesting coming out of the shadow.

Can't help myself singing Bohemian Rhapsody though ;)

B&W has the bigger impact for me
B&W for me - this is the classic case where it emphasisies the form and structure, whereas colour seems to detract from it...
Mono for me too, but I would also like a crop above the knee - lighting looks different on the legs, and also her waist section has little or no detail.
I also think perhaps the camera position/lens focal length make her legs look rather large.
Either - stunning shot - and I wouldn't touch the crop ......
Oh now this is a hard one, I really like the BW version, not too sure on the conversion though, how did you convert it?

Fantastic shot though.

Colour - as there's so little colour in the image anyway I think it works just fine and there's still the shape defined by the lighting. Great shot btw :)
Colour for me, it has that 'emerging from the darkness' feel that the b/w lacks. And, it may be my eyes, but is the horizontal crop on each slightly different? The b/w seems more central to me.
i think both are perfect, but if i had to chose then I would have to go with the colour. I like the soft lighting and I can also see some finer details such as the shape of her foot.
Colour for me, id probably play with the saturation too or maybe just to see, id try sepia
Colour & no crop for me. I'd normally go b&w but the colour just have that little bit extra:)