Common all garden

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Well hopefully most gardens. The first two of these are real nemesis birds for me so I shall keep trying.

Nemesis No. 1.

Nemesis No. 2.

Couldn't resist this cutie.

Thanks for looking
Very nice.
Blimey, there's some pedantic people on here! :LOL:

Lovely shots Donna, really well captured. ;)
love that non grumpy robin (y)

Does it really matter :wacky:

Andy. In the grand scheme of things it does not matter.

However I don't anything wrong in Simon pointing it out.

Maybe Donna would appreciate that she has misunderstood how the phrase should be stated.

There is no need for anyone to get upset if someone points out an error (in a non offensive way).

If I put up a photo of a great tit, called it a blue tit and someone was to point out the error I see no reason to take offence.
The robin wins it for me, looks like he's fattened himself up for winter
Many thanks for your comments, pedantic :razz: or otherwise :LOL:
Does anything really matter? but it didn't need a comment like what the F*** did it?

Woha guys, can we take this down a notch please. For what it's worth, I always thought the phrase was ALL and not OR, so thank you Simon for correcting me. My hearing never has been the same since the head banging hard rock days of my youth so I must have misheard the phrase and made an assumption.
nice pics, but the phrase is "common or garden"

Surely you start a sentence with a capital letter :shrug:

Lovely set Donna (y) Exposure and detail is good in all of them as usual from you, but that is a lovely looking BB.