Complete novice from rct

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Hi, thanks very much for letting me join:), I am a complete novice to digital photography, and have just bought my first dslr, a Nikon d3200. My in laws who do a lot of photography recommend it. It has a 18-55 lens, and have also just ordered a 200mm lens. Reading the manual stage at the moment so that I don't break anything. Hope do start snapping properly when my 6 year old goes back to school next week, then will only have my 9 month old to look after:), hope to start properly when she's having a nap, or we are out for a walk. I apologise in advance for lack of knowledge, terminology, and probably the awful shots I will start to post, for advice. Any and all helpful advice welcome. I can't join a local club as I work night, and my wife works days, so thanks again very much for letting me join, sorry for droning on:)
Hello John, and a very warm welcome to you.

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Hi John, a very warm welcome to you.

You have joined a fantastic site, I am also new, to both the site and to photography and I have had so much help from the people here already, they really are a very helpful bunch.
Hi John, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to seeing some of your images on the various forums."Enjoy".
Thanks very much all for the welcome, photos and posts very much depend on whether my daughters give me time lol:)
Hi and welcome. Lots of helpful advice here.
Hi John

Welcome to TP.
I am sure you will enjoy this forum as there are loads of very helpful and experienced people who are always delighted to help. It is a fantastic place and I, for one, have learnt a lot (and still learning).
Hi John and another welcome from me.
I have to ask, where or what is rct.
I think for starters I would put the camera in P(programme) or full automatic mode so as to at least get some in focus and properly exposed shots, that way you will start to feel confident about getting a shot then you can delve into the technicalities later. Don't do what my wife did when she first got an slr, she thought it auto zoomed the lens too, although to be fair her teacher should have told her. Never did hear the last of that.

Just googled ystrad rct, nice part of the country.
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rct is rhondda cynon taff in south wales ystrad.. not far from me im in gilfach goch.
Hello John- welcome to the best Photography Forum on the inter-web

Les :wave:
Hi John and welcome to the forum :wave:
Reading the manual stage at the moment so that I don't break anything.

I was a bit like that when i first got mine. I used to put it down like it was a fine bit of bone china, carry it like it was a new born baby and made sure it was wrapped in cotton wool at night (joking) but a year on after it's been knocked quite a few times, dropped once, got wet more than once and been chucked across the room inside my bag because i forgot it was in there i've come to realise it is more sturdy than i first thought. Fair enough it probably wont take that much abuse to break it but what i suggest is to just use it and enjoy it and don't worry about breaking anything.
Thanks all, just trying first few shots atm, my better half bought me d3200 for dummies, and working through it with the camera. Any suggestions on books for novices/ beginners welcome
Hi john plenty of help on here don't be afraid to ask there's no such thing as a stupid question..